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Aerodynamic Effects of Simulated Ice Accretion on a Generic Transport ModelAn experimental research effort was begun to develop a database of airplane aerodynamic characteristics with simulated ice accretion over a large range of incidence and sideslip angles. Wind-tunnel testing was performed at the NASA Langley 12-ft Low-Speed Wind Tunnel using a 3.5 percent scale model of the NASA Langley Generic Transport Model. Aerodynamic data were acquired from a six-component force and moment balance in static-model sweeps from alpha = -5deg to 85deg and beta = -45 deg to 45 deg at a Reynolds number of 0.24 x10(exp 6) and Mach number of 0.06. The 3.5 percent scale GTM was tested in both the clean configuration and with full-span artificial ice shapes attached to the leading edges of the wing, horizontal and vertical tail. Aerodynamic results for the clean airplane configuration compared favorably with similar experiments carried out on a 5.5 percent scale GTM. The addition of the large, glaze-horn type ice shapes did result in an increase in airplane drag coefficient but had little effect on the lift and pitching moment. The lateral-directional characteristics showed mixed results with a small effect of the ice shapes observed in some cases. The flow visualization images revealed the presence and evolution of a spanwise-running vortex on the wing that was the dominant feature of the flowfield for both clean and iced configurations. The lack of ice-induced performance and flowfield effects observed in this effort was likely due to Reynolds number effects for the clean configuration. Estimates of full-scale baseline performance were included in this analysis to illustrate the potential icing effects.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Broeren, Andy P.
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Lee, Sam
(ASRC Aerospace Corp. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Shah, Gautam H.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Murphy, Patrick C.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 2012
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA/TM-2012-217246
Report Number: SAE-2011-38-0065
Report Number: E-18002
Meeting Information
Meeting: International Conference on Aircraft and Engine Icing and Ground Deicing
Location: Chicago, IL
Country: United States
Start Date: June 13, 2011
End Date: June 17, 2011
Sponsors: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Funding Number(s)
WBS: WBS 457280.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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