NASA Tech Briefs, August 2011Topics covered include: Miniature, Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyroscope; NBL Pistol Grip Tool for Underwater Training of Astronauts; HEXPANDO Expanding Head for Fastener-Retention Hexagonal Wrench; Diagonal-Axes Stage for Pointing an Optical Communications Transceiver; Improvements in Speed and Functionality of a 670-GHz Imaging Radar; IONAC-Lite; Large Ka-Band Slot Array for Digital Beam-Forming Applications; Development of a 150-GHz MMIC Module Prototype for Large-Scale CMB Radiation; Coupling Between Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays; PCB-Based Break-Out Box; Multiple-Beam Detection of Fast Transient Radio Sources; Router Agent Technology for Policy-Based Network Management; Remote Asynchronous Message Service Gateway; Automatic Tie Pointer for In-Situ Pointing Correction; Jitter Correction; MSLICE Sequencing; EOS MLS Level 2 Data Processing Software Version 3; DspaceOgre 3D Graphics Visualization Tool; Metallization for Yb14MnSb11-Based Thermoelectric Materials; Solvent/Non-Solvent Sintering To Make Microsphere Scaffolds; Enhanced Fuel-Optimal Trajectory-Generation Algorithm for Planetary Pinpoint Landing; Self-Cleaning Coatings and Materials for Decontaminating Field-Deployable Land and Water-Based Optical Systems; Separation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with DEP-FFF; Li Anode Technology for Improved Performance; Post-Fragmentation Whole Genome Amplification-Based Method; Microwave Tissue Soldering for Immediate Wound Closure; Principles, Techniques, and Applications of Tissue Microfluidics; Robotic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering and Organ Growth; Stress-Driven Selection of Novel Phenotypes; Method for Accurately Calibrating a Spectrometer Using Broadband Light; Catalytic Microtube Rocket Igniter; Stage Cylindrical Immersive Display; Vacuum Camera Cooler; Atomic Oxygen Fluence Monitor; Thermal Management Tools for Propulsion System Trade Studies and Analysis; Introduction to Physical Intelligence; Technique for Solving Electrically Small to Large Structures for Broadband Applications; Accelerated Adaptive MGS Phase Retrieval; Large Eddy Simulation Study for Fluid Disintegration and Mixing; Tropospheric Correction for InSAR Using Interpolated ECMWF Data and GPS Zenith Total Delay; Technique for Calculating Solution Derivatives With Respect to Geometry Parameters in a CFD Code; Acute Radiation Risk and BRYNTRN Organ Dose Projection Graphical User Interface; Probabilistic Path Planning of Montgolfier Balloons in Strong, Uncertain Wind Fields; Flight Simulation of ARES in the Mars Environment; Low-Outgassing Photogrammetry Targets for Use in Outer Space; Planning the FUSE Mission Using the SOVA Algorithm; Monitoring Spacecraft Telemetry Via Optical or RF Link; and Robust Thermal Control of Propulsion Lines for Space Missions.
IDRelationTitle20120006652WorkProbabilistic Path Planning of Montgolfier Balloons in Strong, Uncertain Wind Fields20120006618WorkAccelerated Adaptive MGS Phase Retrieval20120006637WorkRemote Asynchronous Message Service Gateway20120006623WorkSolvent/Non-Solvent Sintering To Make Microsphere Scaffolds20120006647WorkTropospheric Correction for InSAR Using Interpolated ECMWF Data and GPS Zenith Total Delay20120006621WorkRobust Thermal Control of Propulsion Lines for Space Missions20120006612WorkDiagonal-Axes Stage for Pointing an Optical Communications Transceiver20120006625WorkTechnique for Calculating Solution Derivatives With Respect to Geometry Parameters in a CFD Code20120006613WorkNBL Pistol Grip Tool for Underwater Training of Astronauts20120006631WorkIONAC-Lite20120006636WorkRouter Agent Technology for Policy-Based Network Management20120006616WorkMultiple-Beam Detection of Fast Transient Radio Sources20120006632WorkLarge Ka-Band Slot Array for Digital Beam-Forming Applications20120006644WorkJitter Correction20120006615WorkMonitoring Spacecraft Telemetry Via Optical or RF Link20120006610WorkLow-Outgassing Photogrammetry Targets for Use in Outer Space20120006641WorkDspaceOgre 3D Graphics Visualization Tool20120006608WorkThermal Management Tools for Propulsion System Trade Studies and Analysis20120006629WorkIntroduction to Physical Intelligence20120006627WorkSelf-Cleaning Coatings and Materials for Decontaminating Field-Deployable Land and Water-Based Optical Systems20120006626WorkAcute Radiation Risk and BRYNTRN Organ Dose Projection Graphical User Interface20120006645WorkEOS MLS Level 2 Data Processing Software Version 320120006609WorkStage Cylindrical Immersive Display20120006628WorkEnhanced Fuel-Optimal Trajectory-Generation Algorithm for Planetary Pinpoint Landing20120006653WorkMiniature, Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyroscope20120006622WorkMetallization for Yb14MnSb11-Based Thermoelectric Materials20120006617WorkAutomatic Tie Pointer for In-Situ Pointing Correction20120006611WorkHEXPANDO Expanding Head for Fastener-Retention Hexagonal Wrench20120006654WorkImprovements in Speed and Functionality of a 670-GHz Imaging Radar20120006614WorkSeparation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with DEP-FFF20120006643WorkCoupling Between Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays20120006649WorkPCB-Based Break-Out Box20120006633WorkPost-Fragmentation Whole Genome Amplification-Based Method20120006619WorkTechnique for Solving Electrically Small to Large Structures for Broadband Applications20120006620WorkRobotic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering and Organ Growth20120006634WorkMicrowave Tissue Soldering for Immediate Wound Closure20120006646WorkLarge Eddy Simulation Study for Fluid Disintegration and Mixing20120006648WorkPrinciples, Techniques, and Applications of Tissue Microfluidics20120006635WorkMSLICE Sequencing20120006638WorkDevelopment of a 150-GHz MMIC Module Prototype for Large-Scale CMB Radiation20120006642WorkLi Anode Technology for Improved Performance20120006655WorkPlanning the FUSE Mission Using the SOVA Algorithm20120006630WorkFlight Simulation of ARES in the Mars Environment20120006640WorkAtomic Oxygen Fluence Monitor20120006651WorkMethod for Accurately Calibrating a Spectrometer Using Broadband Light20120006639WorkVacuum Camera Cooler20120006650WorkStress-Driven Selection of Novel Phenotypes20120006621WorkRobust Thermal Control of Propulsion Lines for Space Missions20120006622WorkMetallization for Yb14MnSb11-Based Thermoelectric Materials20120006623WorkSolvent/Non-Solvent Sintering To Make Microsphere Scaffolds20120006624WorkCatalytic Microtube Rocket Igniter20120006625WorkTechnique for Calculating Solution Derivatives With Respect to Geometry Parameters in a CFD Code20120006626WorkAcute Radiation Risk and BRYNTRN Organ Dose Projection Graphical User Interface20120006627WorkSelf-Cleaning Coatings and Materials for Decontaminating Field-Deployable Land and Water-Based Optical Systems20120006628WorkEnhanced Fuel-Optimal Trajectory-Generation Algorithm for Planetary Pinpoint Landing20120006629WorkIntroduction to Physical Intelligence20120006630WorkFlight Simulation of ARES in the Mars Environment20120006631WorkIONAC-Lite20120006632WorkLarge Ka-Band Slot Array for Digital Beam-Forming Applications20120006633WorkPost-Fragmentation Whole Genome Amplification-Based Method20120006634WorkMicrowave Tissue Soldering for Immediate Wound Closure20120006635WorkMSLICE Sequencing20120006636WorkRouter Agent Technology for Policy-Based Network Management20120006637WorkRemote Asynchronous Message Service Gateway20120006638WorkDevelopment of a 150-GHz MMIC Module Prototype for Large-Scale CMB Radiation20120006639WorkVacuum Camera Cooler20120006640WorkAtomic Oxygen Fluence Monitor20120006641WorkDspaceOgre 3D Graphics Visualization Tool20120006642WorkLi Anode Technology for Improved Performance20120006643WorkCoupling Between Waveguide-Fed Slot Arrays20120006644WorkJitter Correction20120006645WorkEOS MLS Level 2 Data Processing Software Version 320120006646WorkLarge Eddy Simulation Study for Fluid Disintegration and Mixing20120006647WorkTropospheric Correction for InSAR Using Interpolated ECMWF Data and GPS Zenith Total Delay20120006648WorkPrinciples, Techniques, and Applications of Tissue Microfluidics20120006649WorkPCB-Based Break-Out Box20120006650WorkStress-Driven Selection of Novel Phenotypes20120006651WorkMethod for Accurately Calibrating a Spectrometer Using Broadband Light20120006652WorkProbabilistic Path Planning of Montgolfier Balloons in Strong, Uncertain Wind Fields20120006653WorkMiniature, Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyroscope20120006654WorkImprovements in Speed and Functionality of a 670-GHz Imaging Radar20120006655WorkPlanning the FUSE Mission Using the SOVA Algorithm20120006624WorkCatalytic Microtube Rocket Igniter20120006608WorkThermal Management Tools for Propulsion System Trade Studies and Analysis20120006609WorkStage Cylindrical Immersive Display20120006610WorkLow-Outgassing Photogrammetry Targets for Use in Outer Space20120006611WorkHEXPANDO Expanding Head for Fastener-Retention Hexagonal Wrench20120006612WorkDiagonal-Axes Stage for Pointing an Optical Communications Transceiver20120006613WorkNBL Pistol Grip Tool for Underwater Training of Astronauts20120006614WorkSeparation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with DEP-FFF20120006615WorkMonitoring Spacecraft Telemetry Via Optical or RF Link20120006616WorkMultiple-Beam Detection of Fast Transient Radio Sources20120006617WorkAutomatic Tie Pointer for In-Situ Pointing Correction20120006618WorkAccelerated Adaptive MGS Phase Retrieval20120006619WorkTechnique for Solving Electrically Small to Large Structures for Broadband Applications20120006620WorkRobotic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering and Organ Growth