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SOFIA Observations of S106: Dynamics of the Warm GasContext The H II region/PDR/molecular cloud complex S106 is excited by a single O-star. The full extent of the warm and dense gas close to the star has not been mapped in spectrally resolved high-J CO or [C II] lines, so the kinematics of the warm. partially ionized gas, are unknown. Whether the prominent dark lane bisecting the hourglass-shaped nebula is due solely to the shadow cast by a small disk around the exciting star or also to extinction in high column foreground gas was an open question until now. Aims. To disentangle the morphology and kinematics of warm neutral and ionized gas close to the star, study their relation to the bulk of the molecular gas. and to investigate the nature of the dark lane. Methods. We use the heterodyne receiver GREAT on board SOFIA to observe velocity resolved spectral lines of [C II] and CO 11 yields 10 in comparison with so far unpublished submm continuum data at 350 micron (8HARC-Il) and complementary molecular line data. Results. The high angular and spectral resolution observations show a very complex morphology and kinematics of the inner S106 region, with many different components at different excitation conditions contributing to the observed emission. The [C II] lines are found to be bright and very broad. tracing high velocity gas close to the interface of molecular cloud and H II region. CO 11 yields 10 emission is more confined.. both spatially and in velocity, to the immediate surroundings of S 106 IR showing the presence of warm, high density (clumpy) gas. Our high angular resolution submm continuum observations rule out the scenario where the dark lane separating the two lobes is due solely to the shadow cast by a small disk close to the star. The lane is clearly seen also as warm, high column density gas at the boundary of the molecular cloud and H II region.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
Simon, R.
(Universitat zu Koln Koln, Germany)
Schneider, N.
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Paris, France)
Stutzki, J.
(Universitat zu Koln Koln, Germany)
Gusten, R.
(Max-Planck-Inst. fuer Radioastronomie Bonn, Germany)
Graf, U. U.
(Universitat zu Koln Koln, Germany)
Hartogh, P.
(Max-Planck-Inst. fuer Sonnensystemforschung Lindau, Germany)
Guan, X.
(Universitat zu Koln Koln, Germany)
Staguhn, J. G.
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, MD, United States)
Benford, D. J.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
August 26, 2013
Publication Date
March 26, 2012
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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