Chemical Composition of Four Shergottites from Northwest Africa (NWA 2800, NWA, 5214, NWA 5990, NWA 6342)Shergottites represent the majority of recovered Martian meteorites. As basic igneous rocks, they formed from magmas that were emplaced in the Martian crust [1]. Due to the low ambient pressure of the Martian atmosphere, subaerial lavas and shallow magma chambers are expected to outgas volatile metals (e.g., Cd, Te, Re, Bi) [2]. The planetary abundances of the volatile siderophile and chalcophile elements are important at establishing the depth of core formation for Mars, and must be known as a baseline for understanding volcanic outgassing on Mars, particularly the large enrichments of S and Cl observed in modern Martian soils [3]. There is little data on volatile siderophile and chalcophile elements from Martian meteorites, excluding a few well-analyzed samples [2]. Further, a large number of shergottites being recovered from North West Africa are in need of chemical analysis. All of the shergottites are in need of state-of-the art analysis for such ratios as Ge/Si and Ga/Al, which can now be accomplished by LA-ICP-MS [2].
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Yang, S. (Florida State Univ. Tallahassee, FL, United States)
Humayun, M. (Florida State Univ. Tallahassee, FL, United States)
Jefferson, G. (Florida State Univ. Tallahassee, FL, United States)
Fields, D. (Florida State Univ. Tallahassee, FL, United States)
Righter, K. (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Irving, A. J. (Washington Univ. Seattle, WA, United States)