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Archway for Radiation and Micrometeorite Occurrence ResistanceThe environmental conditions of the Moon require mitigation if a long-term human presence is to be achieved for extended periods of time. Radiation, micrometeoroid impacts, high-velocity debris, and thermal cycling represent threats to crew, equipment, and facilities. For decades, local regolith has been suggested as a candidate material to use in the construction of protective barriers. A thickness of roughly 3m is sufficient protection from both direct and secondary radiation from cosmic rays and solar protons; this thickness is sufficient to reduce radiation exposure even during solar flares. NASA has previously identified a need for innovations that will support lunar habitats using lightweight structures because the reduction of structural mass translates directly into additional up and down mass capability that would facilitate additional logistics capacity and increased science return for all mission phases. The development of non-pressurized primary structures that have synergy with the development of pressurized structures is also of interest. The use of indigenous or in situ materials is also a well-known and active area of research that could drastically improve the practicality of human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit. The Archway for Radiation and Micrometeorite Occurrence Resistance (ARMOR) concept is a new, multifunctional structure that acts as radiation shielding and micrometeorite impact shielding for long-duration lunar surface protection of humans and equipment. ARMOR uses a combination of native regolith and a deployed membrane jacket to yield a multifunctional structure. ARMOR is a robust and modular system that can be autonomously assembled on-site prior to the first human surface arrival. The system provides protection by holding a sufficiently thick (3 m) archshaped shell of local regolith around a central cavity. The regolith is held in shape by an arch-shaped jacket made of strong but deployable material. No regolith processing is required. During the regolith filling process, an inflatable structure under the arch supports the mass of the regolith, but once regolith filling is complete the catenary arch formed by the regolith and the jacket becomes self-supporting and the inflatable can be deflated and removed. When complete, habitat modules and equipment can be moved into the protected cavity under the arch. ARMOR is a nearterm system that would provide a reliable and robust lightweight structure technology to support large lunar habitats, drastically lower launch mass, and improve efficient volume use, reducing launch costs.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Giersch, Louis R.
(California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
December 1, 2012
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, December 2012
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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