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Role of Temperature, Humidity and Rainfall on Influenza Transmission in Guatemala, El Salvador and PanamaWorldwide, seasonal influenza causes about 500,000 deaths and 5 million severe illnesses per year. The environmental drivers of influenza transmission are poorly understood especially in the tropics. We aimed to identify meteorological factors for influenza transmission in tropical Central America. We gathered laboratory-confirmed influenza case-counts by week from Guatemala City, San Salvador Department (El Salvador) and Panama Province from 2006 to 2010. The average total cases per year were: 390 (Guatemala), 99 (San Salvador) and 129 (Panama). Meteorological factors including daily air temperature, rainfall, relative and absolute humidity (RH, AH) were obtained from ground stations, NASA satellites and land models. For these factors, we computed weekly averages and their deviation from the 5-yr means. We assessed the relationship between the number of influenza case-counts and the meteorological factors, including effects lagged by 1 to 4 weeks, using Poisson regression for each site. Our results showed influenza in San Salvador would increase by 1 case within a week of every 1 day with RH>75% (Relative Risk (RR)= 1.32, p=.001) and every 1C increase in minimum temperature (RR=1.29, p=.007) but it would decrease by 1 case for every 1mm-above mean weekly rainfall (RR=0.93,p<.001) (model pseudo-R2=0.55). Within 2 weeks, influenza in Panama was increased by 1 case for every 1% increase in RH (RR=1.04, p=.003), and it was increased by 2 cases for every 1C increase of minimum temperature (RR=2.01, p<.001) (model pseudo-R2=0.4). Influenza counts in Guatemala had 1 case increase for every 1C increase in minimum temperature in the previous week (RR=1.21, p<.001), and for every 1mm/day-above normal increase of rainfall rate (RR=1.03, p=.03) (model pseudo-R2=0.54). Our findings that cases increase with temperature and humidity differ from some temperate-zone studies. But they indicate that climate parameters such as humidity and temperature could be predictive of influenza activity and should be incorporated into country-specific influenza transmission models
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Soebiyanto, Radina P.
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, MD, United States)
Bonilla, Luis
(Universidad del Valle de Guatemale Guatemala)
Jara, Jorge
(Universidad del Valle de Guatemale Guatemala)
McCracken, John
(Universidad del Valle de Guatemale Guatemala)
Azziz?-Baumgartner, Eduardo
(Centers for Disease Control Atlanta, GA, United States)
Widdowson, Marc-Alain
(Centers for Disease Control Atlanta, GA, United States)
Kiang, Richard
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
November 13, 2012
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: GSFC-E-DAA-TN6585
Meeting Information
Meeting: 61st American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Location: Atlanta, GA
Country: United States
Start Date: February 21, 2013
Sponsors: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Funding Number(s)
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Public Use Permitted.
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