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Quasi-Linear CircuitThis work involved developing spacequalifiable switch mode DC/DC power supplies that improve performance with fewer components, and result in elimination of digital components and reduction in magnetics. This design is for missions where systems may be operating under extreme conditions, especially at elevated temperature levels from 200 to 300 degC. Prior art for radiation-tolerant DC/DC converters has been accomplished utilizing classical magnetic-based switch mode converter topologies; however, this requires specific shielding and component de-rating to meet the high-reliability specifications. It requires complex measurement and feedback components, and will not enable automatic re-optimization for larger changes in voltage supply or electrical loading condition. The innovation is a switch mode DC/DC power supply that eliminates the need for processors and most magnetics. It can provide a well-regulated voltage supply with a gain of 1:100 step-up to 8:1 step down, tolerating an up to 30% fluctuation of the voltage supply parameters. The circuit incorporates a ceramic core transformer in a manner that enables it to provide a well-regulated voltage output without use of any processor components or magnetic transformers. The circuit adjusts its internal parameters to re-optimize its performance for changes in supply voltage, environmental conditions, or electrical loading at the output
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Bradley, William
(QorTek, Inc. Williamsport, PA, United States)
Bird, Ross
(QorTek, Inc. Williamsport, PA, United States)
Eldred, Dennis
(QorTek, Inc. Williamsport, PA, United States)
Zook, Jon
(QorTek, Inc. Williamsport, PA, United States)
Knowles, Gareth
(QorTek, Inc. Williamsport, PA, United States)
Date Acquired
March 13, 2014
Publication Date
September 1, 2013
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, September 2013
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: LEW-18995-1
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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