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Absorption Efficiencies of Forsterite. I: DDA Explorations in Grain Shape and SizeWe compute the absorption efficiency (Q(sub abs)) of forsterite using the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) in order to identify and describe what characteristics of crystal grain shape and size are important to the shape, peak location, and relative strength of spectral features in the 8 - 40 micron wavelength range. Using the DDSCAT code, we compute Q(sub abs) for non-spherical polyhedral grain shapes with a(sub eff) = 0.1 micron. The shape characteristics identified are: 1) elongation/reduction along one of three crystallographic axes; 2) asymmetry, such that all three crystallographic axes are of different lengths; and 3) the presence of crystalline faces that are not parallel to a specific crystallographic axis, e.g., non-rectangular prisms and (di)pyramids. Elongation/reduction dominates the locations and shapes of spectral features near 10, 11, 16, 23.5, 27, and 33.5 micron, while asymmetry and tips are secondary shape effects. Increasing grain sizes (0.1 - 1.0 micron) shifts the 10, 11 micron features systematically towards longer wavelengths and relative to the 11 micron feature increases the strengths and slightly broadens the longer wavelength features. Seven spectral shape classes are established for crystallographic a-, b-, and c-axes and include columnar and platelet shapes plus non-elongated or equant grain shapes. The spectral shape classes and the effects of grain size have practical application in identifying or excluding columnar, platelet or equant forsterite grain shapes in astrophysical environs. Identification of the shape characteristics of forsterite from 8 - 40 micron spectra provides a potential means to probe the temperatures at which forsterite formed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
Lindsay, Sean S.
(Tennessee Univ. Knoxville, TN, United States)
Wooden, Diane
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA United States)
Harker, David E.
(California Univ., San Diego La Jolla, CA, United States)
Kelley, Michael S.
(Maryland Univ. College Park, MD, United States)
Woodward, Charles E.
(Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis, MN, United States)
Murphy, Jim R.
(New Mexico State Univ. Las Cruces, NM, United States)
Date Acquired
September 3, 2014
Publication Date
February 28, 2013
Publication Information
ISSN: 0004-637X
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
WBS: WBS 811073.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
circumstellar matter
protoplanetary idsks
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