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Magnetostrictive Pressure Regulating SystemA magnetostrictive pressure regulating system includes a magnetostrictive valve that incorporates a magnetostrictive actuator with at least one current-carrying coil disposed thereabout. A pressure force sensor, in fluid communication with the fluid exiting the valve, includes (i) a magnetostrictive material, (ii) a magnetic field generator in proximity to the magnetostrictive material for inducing a magnetic field in and surrounding the magnetostrictive material wherein lines of magnetic flux passing through the magnetostrictive material are defined, and (iii) a sensor positioned adjacent to the magnetostrictive material and in the magnetic field for measuring changes in at least one of flux angle and flux density when the magnetostrictive material experiences an applied force that is aligned with the lines of magnetic flux. The pressure of the fluid exiting the valve causes the applied force. A controller coupled to the sensor and to the current-carrying coil adjusts a current supplied to the current-carrying coil based on the changes so-measured.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Richard, James A.
Pickens, Herman L.
Date Acquired
November 21, 2014
Publication Date
June 18, 2013
Subject Category
Mechanical Engineering
Electronics And Electrical Engineering
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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