Design Concepts for Cooled Ceramic Composite Turbine VaneThe objective of this work was to develop design concepts for a cooled ceramic vane to be used in the first stage of the High Pressure Turbine(HPT). To insure that the design concepts were relevant to the gas turbine industry needs, Honeywell International Inc. was subcontracted to provide technical guidance for this work. The work performed under this contract can be divided into three broad categories. The first was an analysis of the cycle benefits arising from the higher temperature capability of Ceramic Matrix Composite(CMC) compared with conventional metallic vane materials. The second category was a series of structural analyses for variations in the internal configuration of first stage vane for the High Pressure Turbine(HPT) of a CF6 class commercial airline engine. The third category was analysis for a radial cooled turbine vanes for use in turboshaft engine applications. The size, shape and internal configuration of the turboshaft engine vanes were selected to investigate a cooling concept appropriate to small CMC vanes.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Boyle, Robert J. (N and R Engineering and Management Services Parma Heights, OH, United States)
Parikh, Ankur H. (N and R Engineering and Management Services Parma Heights, OH, United States)
Nagpal, VInod K. (N and R Engineering and Management Services Parma Heights, OH, United States)