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Impacts of Snow Darkening by Absorbing Aerosols on Eurasian ClimateThe deposition of absorbing aerosols on snow surfaces reduces snow-albedo and allows snowpack to absorb more sunlight. This so-called snow darkening effect (SDE) accelerates snow melting and leads to surface warming in spring. To examine the impact of SDE on weather and climate during late spring and early summer, two sets of NASA GEOS-5 model simulations with and without SDE are conducted. Results show that SDE-induced surface heating is particularly pronounced in Eurasian regions where significant depositions of dust transported from the North African deserts, and black carbon from biomass burning from Asia and Europe occur. In these regions, the surface heating due to SDE increases surface skin temperature by 3-6 degrees Kelvin near the snowline in spring. Surface energy budget analysis indicates that SDE-induced excess heating is associated with a large increase in surface evaporation, subsequently leading to a significant reduction in soil moisture, and increased risks of drought and heat waves in late spring to early summer. Overall, we find that rainfall deficit combined with SDE-induced dry soil in spring provide favorable condition for summertime heat waves over large regions of Eurasia. Increased frequency of summer heat waves with SDE and the region of maximum increase in heat-wave frequency are found along the snow line, providing evidence that early snowmelt by SDE may increase the risks of extreme summer heat wave. Our results suggest that climate models that do not include SDE may significantly underestimate the effect of global warming over extra-tropical continental regions.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Kim, Kyu-Myong
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD United States)
Lau, William K M.
(Emeritus, Goddard Apace Flight Center Greenbelt, MD)
Yasunari, Teppei J.
(Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido, Japan)
Kim, Maeng-Ki
(Kongju National Univ. Republic of Korea)
Koster, Randal D.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD United States)
Date Acquired
March 11, 2016
Publication Date
January 10, 2016
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Location: New Orleans, LA
Country: United States
Start Date: January 10, 2016
End Date: January 14, 2016
Sponsors: American Meteorological Society
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
absorbing aerosols
Eurasian climate
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