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Wilson Corners SWMU 001 2015 Annual Long Term Monitoring Report Kennedy Space Center, FloridaThis document presents the findings of the 2015 Long Term Monitoring (LTM) that was completed at the Wilson Corners site, located at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The objectives of the 2015 LTM event were to evaluate the groundwater flow direction and gradient, to monitor the vertical and horizontal extent of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs; including the upgradient and sidegradient extents, which are monitored every five years), and to monitor select locations internal to the dissolved groundwater plume. The 2015 LTM event included several upgradient and sidegradient monitoring wells that are not sampled annually to verify the extent of VOCs in this portion of the site. The December 2015 LTM groundwater sampling event included, depth to groundwater measurements, 40 VOC samples collected using passive diffusion bags, and one VOC sample collected using low-flow techniques. Additionally, monitoring well MW0052DD was overdrilled and abandoned using rotasonic drilling techniques. The following conclusions can be made based on the 2015 LTM results: groundwater flow is generally to the west with northwest and southwest flow components from the water table to approximately 55 feet below land surface (ft BLS); peripheral monitoring wells generally delineate VOCs to groundwater cleanup target levels (GCTLs) except for monitoring wells MW0088, MW0090, MW0095, and NPSHMW0039, which had vinyl chloride (VC) concentrations near the GCTL and MW0062, which had trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethenen (cDCE), and VC concentrations above natural attenuation default concentrations (NADCs); VOCs in interior downgradient wells generally fluctuate within historic ranges except for monitoring wells in the north-northwest portion of the site, which have increasing VC concentrations indicating potential plume migration and expansion; Historically, the vertical extents of the VOCs were delineated by monitoring wells screened greater than 60 ft BLS (MW0083 through MW0086, and MW0078). The 2015 LTM results indicate that concentrations of daughter product cDCE is greater than the NADC in MW0078 and that cDCE and VC are greater than NADCs in MW0130. TCE was greater than the GCTL in monitoring well MW130 and not detected above method detection limits (9 micrograms per Liter) in monitoring well MW0078. No GCTL exceedances were identified in monitoring wells MW0083 or MW0086; the dissolved plume footprint appears generally stable, though not fully delineated by monitoring well data in the northeast portion of the site; and 2015 LTM results generally support the existing Conceptual Site Model. Geosyntec recommends modifying the LTM program, collecting a verification sample from monitoring well MW0062, and performing a direct push technology instigation in the northnortheastern portion of the site. A cluster of monitoring wells (MW0132 [2 to 12 ft BLS], MW0133 [15 to 25 ft BLS], and MW0134 [29 to 34 ft BLS]) is proposed to delineate impacts in the northnortheast portion of the site. Geosyntec recommends installation of a vertical extent well in the center of the site (Hot Spot 2 area) post-remediation implementation.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Lawson, Emily M.
(GeoSyntec Consultants, Inc. Titusville, FL, United States)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2016
Publication Date
July 1, 2016
Subject Category
Environment Pollution
Report/Patent Number
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Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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