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Vertical Take-Off and Landing Vehicle with Increased Cruise EfficiencySystems, methods, and devices are provided that combine an advance vehicle configuration, such as an advanced aircraft configuration, with the infusion of electric propulsion, thereby enabling a four times increase in range and endurance while maintaining a full vertical takeoff and landing ("VTOL") and hover capability for the vehicle. Embodiments may provide vehicles with both VTOL and cruise efficient capabilities without the use of ground infrastructure. An embodiment vehicle may comprise a wing configured to tilt through a range of motion, a first series of electric motors coupled to the wing and each configured to drive an associated wing propeller, a tail configured to tilt through the range of motion, a second series of electric motors coupled to the tail and each configured to drive an associated tail propeller, and an electric propulsion system connected to the first series of electric motors and the second series of electric motors.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Fredericks, William J.
Moore, Mark D.
Busan, Ronald C.
Rothhaar, Paul M.
North, David D.
Langford, William M.
Laws, Christopher T.
Hodges, William T.
Johns, Zachary R.
Webb, Sandy R.
Date Acquired
November 1, 2016
Publication Date
October 25, 2016
Subject Category
Aircraft Propulsion And Power
Aircraft Design, Testing And Performance
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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