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A Case for Nebula Scale Mixing Between Non-Carbonaceous and Carbonaceous Chondrite Reservoirs: Testing the Grand Tack Model with Chromium Isotopic Composition of Almahata Sitta Stone 91AThere is an increasing number of Cr-O-Ti isotope studies that show solar system materials are divided into two main populations, one carbonaceous chondrite (CC)-like and the other is non-carbonaceous (NC)-like, with minimal mixing attributed to a gap opened in the protoplanetary disk due to Jupiter's formation. The Grand Tack model suggests there should be large-scale mixing between S- and C-type asteroids, an idea supported by our recent work on chondrule (Delta)17O-ε54Cr isotope systematics. The Almahata Sitta (AhS) meteorite provides a unique opportunity to test the Grand Tack model. The meteorite fell to Earth in October 2008 and has been linked to the asteroid 2008 TC3 which was discovered just prior to the fall of the AhS stones. The AhS meteorite is composed of up to 700 individual pieces with approx.140 of those pieces having some geochemical and/or petrologic studies. Almahata Sitta is an anomalous polymict ureilite with other meteorite components, including enstatite, ordinary, and carbonaceous chondrites with an approximate abundance of 70% ureilites and 30% chondrites. This observation has lead to the suggestion that TC3 2008 was a loosely aggregated rubble pile-like asteroid with the non-ureilite sample clasts within the rubble-pile. Due to the loosely-aggregated nature of AhS, the object disintegrated during atmospheric entry resulting in the weakly held clasts falling predominantly as individual stones in the AhS collection area. However, recent work has identified one sample of AhS, sample 91A, which may represent two different lithologies coexisting within a single stone. The predominate lithology type in 91A appears to be that of a C2 chondrite based on mineralogy but also contains olivine, pyroxene, and albite that have ureilite-like compositions. Previous Cr isotope investigations into AhS stones are sparse and what data is available show nearly uniform isotopic composition similar to that of typical ureilites with negative ε54Cr values.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Sanborn, M. E.
(California Univ. Davis, CA, United States)
Yin, Q.-Z.
(California Univ. Davis, CA, United States)
Goodrich, C. A.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX, United States)
Zolensky, M.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Fioretti, A. M.
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Padua, Italy)
Date Acquired
June 23, 2017
Publication Date
July 23, 2017
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: JSC-CN-39702
Meeting Information
Meeting: Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society
Location: Sante Fe, NM
Country: United States
Start Date: July 23, 2017
End Date: July 28, 2017
Sponsors: Meteoritical Society
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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