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System and Method for an Integrated Satellite PlatformA system, method, and computer-readable storage devices for a 6U CubeSat with a magnetometer boom. The example 6U CubeSat can include an on-board computing device connected to an electrical power system, wherein the electrical power system receives power from at least one of a battery and at least one solar panel, a first fluxgate sensor attached to an extendable boom, a release mechanism for extending the extendable boom, at least one second fluxgate sensor fixed within the satellite, an ion neutral mass spectrometer, and a relativistic electron/proton telescope. The on-board computing device can receive data from the first fluxgate sensor, the at least one second fluxgate sensor, the ion neutral mass spectrometer, and the relativistic electron/proton telescope via the bus, and can then process the data via an algorithm to deduce a geophysical signal.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Clagett, Charles E.
Santos Soto, Luis H.
Hesh, Scott V.
Starin, Scott R.
Sheikh, Salman I.
Hesse, Michael
Paschalidis, Nikolaos
Johnson, Michael A.
Ericsson, Aprille J.
Date Acquired
May 3, 2018
Publication Date
April 10, 2018
Subject Category
Spacecraft Design, Testing And Performance
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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