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Space Technology InnovationThere is a series of experiments and projects that have been done to support space missions, which we are now utilizing in our daily lives. The advancement of science and technology moves at a fast speed, and many of those technology advancements were thanks to the need that space missions required to make them happen. This presentation will provide information about some of those technologies developed in the international space station, in robotic missions to the moon and mars, and in earth simulations. We will touch on satellite applications, planetary defense from asteroids and meteorites, lunar structures, analog missions, and human systems integration. Similarly, we will touch on some microgravity countermeasures, such as artificial gravity, telemedicine, crew autonomy for scheduling their own activities, within others. During the presentation of each topic, we will provide suggestions on how students and young professionals can get involved to work on similar projects and in this manner be able to contribute to the scientific and technological space research.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Jackelynne Silva-Martinez ORCID
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Jorge L Sotomayor
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Date Acquired
February 1, 2019
Publication Date
July 3, 2018
Subject Category
Space Sciences (General)
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: Expo-Ciencias Latinoamericana - ESI AMLAT 2018
Location: Antofagasta
Country: CL
Start Date: July 1, 2018
End Date: July 5, 2018
Sponsors: Mouvement International pour le Loisir Scientifique et Technique (MILSET)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
Space science
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