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Tri-Rotor Aircraft Capable of Vertical Takeoff and Landing and Transitioning to Forward FlightSystems, methods, and devices provide a vehicle, such as an aircraft, with rotors configured to function as a tri-copter for vertical takeoff and landing ("VTOL") and a fixed-wing vehicle for forward flight. One rotor may be mounted at a front of the vehicle fuselage on a hinged structure controlled by an actuator to tilt from horizontal to vertical positions. Two additional rotors may be mounted on the horizontal surface of the vehicle tail structure with rotor axes oriented vertically to the fuselage. For forward flight of the vehicle, the front rotor may be rotated down such that the front rotor axis may be oriented horizontally along the fuselage and the front rotor may act as a propeller. For vertical flight, the front rotor may be rotated up such that the front rotor axis may be oriented vertically to the fuselage, while the tail rotors may be activated.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
North, David D.
Aull, Mark J.
Fredericks, William J.
Moore, Mark D.
Rothhaar, Paul M.
Hodges, William T.
Johns, Zachary R.
Date Acquired
October 15, 2018
Publication Date
September 11, 2018
Subject Category
Aircraft Design, Testing And Performance
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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