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In-Space Manufacturing at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center: A Portfolio of Fabrication and Recycling Technology Development for the International Space StationThe in-space manufacturing project at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center seeks to mature the manufacturing capabilities which will be needed on long duration, long endurance human spaceflight missions. The ability to manufacture materials and parts in space rather than launching them from earth has the potential to reduce logistics requirements and enhance crew safety. The International Space Station serves as a unique orbiting test bed for in-space manufacturing technology development for NASA and its commercial partners. This paper provides an overview of the projects currently in the in-space manufacturing technology portfolio and key technology development efforts in the past year.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Prater, Tracie
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Werkheiser, Niki
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Ledbetter, Frank
(Wheelhouse Consulting, LLC Huntsville, AL, United States)
Morgan, Kristin
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Date Acquired
October 17, 2018
Publication Date
September 17, 2018
Subject Category
Mechanical Engineering
Technology Utilization And Surface Transportation
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: AIAA Space Forum 2018
Location: Orlando, FL
Country: United States
Start Date: September 17, 2018
End Date: September 19, 2018
Sponsors: American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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