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What-If SystemThe What-If System is meant to be a "sandbox" to be able to view the potential impact of system wide changes on the tower side and metering decisions on the ramp side without actually making changes to the system. The What-If System is a tool within which with STBO, RMTC and DASH may be used such that proposed changes and updates can be made to determine their impact in isolation. The What-If System is a prototype tool, we welcome suggestions for improving the What-If utility. Improvements will be incorporated in later builds beyond phase-1 of ATD-2.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Dulchinos, Victoria L.
(San Jose State Univ. San Jose, CA, United States)
Verma, Savita A.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Chevalley, Eric
(San Jose State Univ. San Jose, CA, United States)
Park, James Y.
(San Jose State Univ. San Jose, CA, United States)
Stevens, Lindsay K.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Martin, Lynne H.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Jobe, Kimberly K.
(San Jose State Univ. San Jose, CA, United States)
Parke, Bonny K.
(San Jose State Univ. San Jose, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
November 1, 2018
Publication Date
August 31, 2018
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
User Manual
ATD-2 What-If system
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