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Surrogate Modeling and Optimization of a Combustor with an Interdigitated Flushwall InjectorDesign and Analysis of Computer Experiments (DACE) methods are applied and used to perform surrogate modeling and optimization of a simplified combustor flowpath with an interdigitated flushwall injector. The objectives of the optimization are the thrust potential and combustion efficiency, which are evaluated across a range of flight Mach numbers, duct heights, spanwise spacings, and injection angles. The focus of this work is to highlight the application of a sequential learning approach, in order to learn about the responses of the objective functions over the design space and to identify local regions of interest for further analysis. This approach is contrasted to a previous effort where only a single sampling set was used to fit surrogate
models and perform optimization. The optimal solutions resulting from the previous and present approaches are different, due to surrogate model-guided local refinement of the design space allowed by the sequential learning method. The values of the global error estimates between the previous and present approaches are comparable, but the sequential method proved more computationally cost-effective. Further refinement in the optimal regions might be needed to improve predictive capability of surrogate models and to obtain the optimal solutions sets.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Rajiv R Shenoy
(Analytical Mechanics Associates (United States) Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Tomasz G Drozda
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Robert A Baurle
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Peter A Parker
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Date Acquired
April 20, 2020
Publication Date
December 9, 2019
Subject Category
Numerical Analysis
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NF1676L-33632
Meeting Information
Meeting: Programmatic and Industrial Base (PIB) Meeting
Location: Tampa, FL
Country: US
Start Date: December 9, 2019
End Date: December 13, 2019
Sponsors: United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Department of the Navy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 725017.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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