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Strategic Perspectives on the Future of Systems Engineering at NASANASA’s Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Infusion and Modernization Initiative (MIAMI) chartered a strategy group comprising early to mid-career NASA subject matter experts with diverse experiences to look into the future of systems engineering at NASA. The purpose of the group was to provide a vision for the future state of systems engineering practices and to develop a strategic plan to enable the evolution of the art up to 20 years in the future. The group used a design thinking approach to gather ideas and obtained insight into current engineering processes and domain outlook by interviewing engineers of varying expertise and experiences who had worked on teams of different sizes for missions large and small. The group built a roadmap to highlight future needs, projected capabilities, and technology and competency gaps and developed a strategic plan to ensure the expedient introduction of these capabilities. The resulting strategic plan recommends capability development and workforce strategies and provides guidance for Agency-wide SE policy. Artifacts, details, and raw data from the strategy team’s work are contained in NASA/TM-20205002911/SUPPL, Strategic Perspectives on the Future of Systems Engineering at NASA: Supplemental Information: Appendixes A to K.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Anupa R Bajwa
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
James P MacKinnon
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Michael A Pepen
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
Esther Lee
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Vikram Shyam
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
Daniel L Hoffpauir
(Media Fusion Huntsville, Alabama, United States)
Kenneth G Toro
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Luke S Murchison
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Karen J Weiland
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
Kathryn Trase
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
Nicholas R Waldram
(Jet Propulsion Lab La Cañada Flintridge, California, United States)
Amanda C Stein
(Marshall Space Flight Center Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, United States)
Date Acquired
May 29, 2020
Publication Date
July 1, 2020
Subject Category
Engineering (General)
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 869021.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
No Preview Available