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Machine Learning in Heliophysics and space weather forecasting: a white paper of finding and recommendationsThe authors of this white paper met on 16-17 January 2020 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology,Newark, NJ, for a 2-day workshop that brought together a group of heliophysicists, data providers,expert modelers, and computer/data scientists. Their objective was to discuss critical developments and prospects of the application of machine and/or deep learning techniques for data analysis, modeling and forecasting in Heliophysics, and to shape a strategy for further developments in the field. The workshop combined a set of plenary sessions featuring invited introductory talks interleaved with a set of open discussion sessions. The outcome of the discussion is encapsulated in this white paper that also features a top-level list of recommendations agreed by participants
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
White Paper
Irina Nikolaevna Kitiashvili
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
Gelu Nita
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Manolis Georgoulis
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Irina Kitiashvili
(Bay Area Environmental Research Institute Petaluma, California, United States)
Viacheslav Sadykov
(Bay Area Environmental Research Institute Petaluma, California, United States)
Enrico Camporeale
(University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Alexander Kosovichev
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Haimin Wang
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Vincent Oria
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Jason Wang
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Rafal Angryk
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Berkay Aydin
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Azim Ahmadsadeh
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Xiaoli Bai
(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States)
Timothy Bastian
(National Radio Astronomy Observatory Charlottesville, Virginia, United States)
Soukaina Filali Boubrahimi
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Bin Chen
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Alisdair Davey
(National Solar Observatory Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Sheldon Fereira
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Gregory Fleishman
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Dale Gary
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Andrew Gerrard
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Gregory Hellbourg
(California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California, United States)
Katherine Herbert
(Montclair State University Montclair, New Jersey, United States)
Jack Ireland
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Egor Illarionov
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Natsuha Kuroda
(University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Qin Li
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Chang Liu
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Yuexin Liu
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Hyomin Kim
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Dustin Kempton
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Ruizhe Ma
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Petrus Martens
(Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
Ryan Mcgranaghan
(Astra LLC)
Edward Semones
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
John Stefan
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Andrey Stejko
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Yaireska Collado Vega
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Meiqi Weng
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Yang Xu
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Sijie Yu
(New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, New Jersey, United States)
Date Acquired
June 23, 2020
Publication Date
June 26, 2020
Publication Information
Publication: SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
Subject Category
Aeronautics (General)
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 791926.
Distribution Limits
Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
NASA Peer Committee
No Preview Available