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CFD Comparisons with Updated NASA Juncture Flow DataThe purpose of the NASA Juncture Flow experiment is to acquire high-quality flowfield
details deep in the corner of a wing-body junction specifically for the purpose of CFD validation.
A second phase of testing was recently completed, which includes both laser doppler
velocimetry and particle image velocimetry measurements. This paper describes
the recent experiment and its results. It also makes detailed comparisons between
the experimental data and a new version of a widely-used CFD turbulence model for
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes,
which was recently developed to improve separated corner flow predictions.
The CFD results generally produce very good qualitative agreement with the experiment, although
they are less accurate inside of the separation region, as expected.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
C L Rumsey
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
N N Ahmad
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
J-R Carlson
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
M A Kegerise
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
D H Neuhart
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
J A Hannon
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
L N Jenkins
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
C-S Yao
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
P Balakumar
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
S Gildersleeve
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
S M Bartram
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
T H Pulliam
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
M E Olsen
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
P R Spalart
(Boeing (United States) Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Date Acquired
October 26, 2020
Subject Category
Meeting Information
Meeting: AIAA SciTech 2021
Location: Virtual
Country: US
Start Date: January 11, 2021
End Date: January 15, 2021
Sponsors: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 109492.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
Experimental Data
Separated Flow
No Preview Available