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Thermodynamic constraints on the textural evolution of eucrite, EET 90020Basaltic eucrites, which are possibly parts of the Vestan crust, formed as either lava flows or intrusions, and can offer insights into early crust formation. However most eucrites have experienced thermal metamorphism, which exacerbates the challenges of understanding these samples. A variety of petrogenetic models such as, partial melting of a primitive source, fractional crystallization of magmas emplaced in a primitive crust, and/or partial melting of a eucritic source coupled with melt mixing and assimilation have been proposed in order to explain observed petrologic and chemical characteristics of eucrites. EET 90020 is an unbrecciated eucrite that has experienced significant thermal metamorphism, with temperatures of metamorphic equilibration calculated to be ~840-1040°C. Its petrologic history remains contentious, in part due to differences in trace element analyses [10,17, this work], which has led to multiple metamorphic interpretations [8,10-11]. Here, we combined petrologic observations, chemical analyses, and thermodynamic modeling, to interpret micro-domain textures identified in EET 90020 and better constrain its petrologic history. Ultimately, the development of such textures is a direct result of the geologic processes operating on a young Vesta or similar asteroid.
Sample description: We identified three textural domains in EET 90020 (Figure 1); (I) A coarse grain domain with granoblastic plagioclase and pyroxene, (II) a medium grain domain with curved grain boundaries between plagioclase and pyroxene, and (III) a fine grain domain dominated by tridymite that fills in interstitial space between spherical plagioclase.
Major element chemistry in phases is consistent across domains. Pyroxene have distinctive high Ca lamellae (Wo40.92En28.1Fs31.0) forming from the low-Ca pigeonite host (Wo3.5En33.7Fs62.8). There are small amounts of fayalitic olivine along pyroxene/oxide grain boundaries, where pyroxenes have reacted with ilmenite/chromite clasts. Plagioclase is anorthitic (Avg ~An88), with little variation (An86-92.5).
Trace element bulk rock analyses were collected via ICP-MS and individual mineral analyses with LA-ICP-MS (Figure 2). The bulk sample has an observable enrichment in light rare earth elements, with a notable depletion in Eu. Plagioclase is enriched in LREEs, depleted in HREEs, and has a positive Eu anomaly while pyroxene is enriched in HREEs with a negative Eu anomaly. Variations in trace element analyses is likely influenced by the presence of phosphates because are highly enriched in REEs and have a dramatic effect on the bulk domain compositions.
Thermodynamic modeling: The software package, Perple_X, was used to calculate mineral phase equilibria over a range of conditions using a Gibbs free energy minimization approach [12]. Models used all major/minor elements except P2O5. Thermodynamic properties from [13] were used to constrain endmember phase stabilities. Activity models were used to describe mixing in phases with solid solution.
Isochemical P-T phase diagrams were constructed for the bulk thin section, and the coarse, medium and fine grain domain compositions. Domain compositions were determined using microprobe analyses of phases identified in each domain and observed modal mineral abundancies. Thermodynamically stable pyroxene compositions were extracted from model results and compared to pyroxene compositions collected via EMPA, allowing us to calculate temperatures for metamorphic equilibrium.
Results: Results that use the coarse domain composition (Fig. 3a) demonstrate overlap at T ~ 1020°C indicating high T equilibration. There was no overlap for the medium and fine grain domains, or the bulk composition (e.g., Fig. 3b) indicating that these are not equilibrium assemblages. These results were replicated using data from [8,20].
Discussion: The disequilibrium results from the bulk rock, fine grain and medium grain models imply that EET 90020 was modified during and/or after peak metamorphism (open system behavior). However, this is in contrast to the coarse domain where it appears as if equilibrium was maintained. We suggest that this conflict is explained by highly localized equilibrium occurring at millimeter length-scales, which has been observed in terrestrial metamorphism where aqueous fluid infiltrate [14] or melt loss occurs [15]. It is unlikely that aqueous alteration was significant in modifying the bulk composition of EET 90020, because it lacks hydrated minerals. However, the presence of melt is supported by the presence of an abundance of curved grain boundaries and spherical grains in the medium and fine grain domains This contrasts the coarse domain, where grain boundaries are angular.
Given the evidence for disequilibrium in the medium and fine grain domains, it would be inappropriate to draw additional conclusions about textural evolution using thermodynamic models of those domains. However, modeling results of the coarse grain domain, where equilibrium was maintained, can provide useful insights into the geologic evolution of EET 90020. We approximate maximum metamorphic temperatures, using the Ca component in pyroxene, at ~1020°C (Fig. 4), which is consistent with previous two-pyroxene thermometry [11]. At this temperature, up to 10 vol % melt can be produced in the coarse grain domain, which is at the boundary of minimum melt needed in order to segregate and form a melt network [16]. Tridymite and plagioclase would be the first minerals to melt out during heating starting ~990°C. This is consistent with the observed melt textures formed by tridymite and plagioclase in the fine grain domain.
We suggest that a partial melting model best explains the textural development of EET 90020. Upon heating, melt generated was either trapped, resulting in no net change in the localized rock composition, or migrated, resulting in disequilibrium between pyroxene and the surrounding matrix. A positive Eu anomaly in plagioclase indicates that all of the plagioclase was melted previously. This is consistent with previous studies that have suggested that EET 90020 represents a residual eucrite that experienced partial melting and subsequent melt loss [8]. We speculate that partial melting could have occurred when EET 90020 was heated in the asteroid’s lower crust or adjacent to an intrusion [7]. Future work will study other, texturally heterogeneous samples to see if EET 90020 presents a unique circumstance or whether crustal partial melting was ubiquitous on the eucrite asteroid.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
J. S. Gorce
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
D. W. Mittlefehldt
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
J. I. Simon
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Date Acquired
December 18, 2020
Subject Category
Geosciences (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Location: Virtual
Country: US
Start Date: March 15, 2021
End Date: March 19, 2021
Sponsors: Lunar and Planetary Institute
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 811073
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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