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Electrostatic Discharges from Conductive Thermal CoatingsSelecting the correct thermal control coating for a spacecraft can be a significant challenge. From the start, the process includes balancing conflicting needs. Thermal control paints must have the ability to either absorb or emit heat as desired and this property cannot change beyond a set point over the life of the mission. When the mission involves operating in a heavy charging environment, the control coating must be static dissipative enough to bleed away absorbed energetic electrons to minimize induced electric fields and the risk of electrostatic discharges. Finding the right balance of thermal performance and electrical performance can be difficult for spacecraft designers. In an effort to aid in spacecraft design, a number of white and black thermal control coatings were tested at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory using a two-part test campaign. These tests involved an initial screening test to determine the bulk resistivity of the material using a traditional parallel plate test, but placed in a vacuum chamber immersed in a bath of liquid nitrogen to obtain data over a range of temperatures. The most promising materials were then exposed to a stream of energetic electrons and monitored for the production of electrostatic discharges. Results from these tests indicated that only a few of the common thermal control coatings have a resistivity below 109 ohm-cm as suggested in NASA-HDBK-4002A. Of those that meet this criterion, most will still produce electrostatic discharges when exposed to electrons with energies from 20keV to 60keV while held at cryogenic temperatures. Additional testing is required to characterize additional coatings to create a database that designers may use when selecting an appropriate coating for their application.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
External Source(s)
Chinn, James
Martin, Eduardo
Linton, Tanner
Anderson, Allen
Zhou, Chaoyin
Low, Nora
Kim, Wousik
Green, Nelson W.
Date Acquired
June 25, 2018
Publication Date
June 25, 2018
Publication Information
Publisher: Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2018
Distribution Limits
Technical Review

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