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Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS): Detections in Comets C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), C/2015 ER61 (PanSTARRS), and 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and Stringent Upper Limits in 46P/WirtanenCarbonyl sulfide(OCS)is one of the sulfur-bearing molecules detected in different astronomical environments, including comets. The present-day sulfur chemistry in comets may reveal much about the origin of these ices and their subsequent processing history. Cometary sulfur molecules such as H2S, H2CS, SO2, SO, CS, CS2,S2, and NShave been detected in many comets. However, OCS, the only sulfur-bearing species with fluorescence emission lines at infrared wavelengths, is under-represented in comet volatile studies, having been reported in only six comets so far. We targeted OCS with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility in comets 46P/Wirtanen, 21P/Giacobini–Zinner, and C/2015 ER61(Pan STARRS)in 2017–2018 using the high-resolution iSHELL spectrograph, and in C/2002 T7(LINEAR)in 2004 using the heritage CSHELL spectrograph. In comet C/2015 ER61, the OCS abundance was similar to those measured in bright comets such as comets C/2012 S1(ISON)and C/1996 B2(Hyakutake), whereas in C/2002 T7 it was relatively depleted. Our OCS measurement in21P/Giacobini–Zinner is the first definitive detection of this molecule in a Jupiter-family comet from a ground-based facility and is close to the average OCS abundance determined in comet 67P/ Churyumov–Gerasimenko by the Rosetta mission. Our 3σupper limit for comet 46P/Wirtanen is the lowest reported OCS abundance in any comet. We present production rates and mixing ratios(with respect to H2O)for these comets and place our results in the context of comets measured to date
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Mohammad Saki
(University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri, United States)
Erika L. Gibb
(University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri, United States)
Boncho P. Bonev
(American University Washington, DC)
Nathan X. Roth
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
Michael A. Disanti
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Neil Dello Russo
(Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory North Laurel, Maryland, United States)
Ronald J. Vervack, Jr.
(Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory North Laurel, Maryland, United States)
Adam J. McKay
(American University Washington, DC)
Hideyo Kawakita
(Kyoto Sangyo University Kyoto, Kyôto, Japan)
Date Acquired
February 3, 2021
Publication Date
October 15, 2020
Publication Information
Publication: Astronomical Journal
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Volume: 160
Issue: 184
Issue Publication Date: October 1, 2020
ISSN: 0004-6256
e-ISSN: 1538-3881
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Online Link
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 811073.
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Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
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