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Hiatus of wetland methane emissions associated with recent La Niña episodes in the Asian monsoon regionThe variability of methane emissions from wetlands in the tropics and northern temperate regions can explain more than 70% of the interannual variation in global wetland methane emissions, which are largely driven by climate variability. We use climate reanalysis, remote sensing wetland area dataset and simulations from 11 land models contributing to Global Methane Budget to investigate the interannual variation and anomalies of wetland methane emissions in the Asian Monsoon region. Methane emissions in this region steadily increased over 2000–2012. However, abnormally low methane emissions were found in equatorial fully humid (Af), warm temperate winter dry (Cw), and warm temperate fully humid (Cf) Asian Monsoon climate sub-regions in 2008, 2009 and 2011, respectively. These spatially-shifting low emissions occurred simultaneously with observed wetland area shrinkage due to abnormally low precipitation. Interannual variability of wetland methane emissions in Asian Monsoon region are primarily driven by South Asian Monsoon system. However, the abnormally low emissions are related to strong La Niña events, and its accompanying effect of weakened East Asian Monsoon system and eastward Western Pacific subtropical high, which drives the shifting pattern of rainfall, and thus the spatial pattern of methane emission anomalies.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Xiaoyan Zhang
(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Nanjing, China)
Xiyan Xu ORCID
(Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, Beijing, China)
Gensuo Jia
(Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, Beijing, China)
Benjamin Poulter
(Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland, United States)
Zhen Zhang
(University of Maryland, College Park College Park, Maryland, United States)
Date Acquired
March 22, 2021
Publication Date
March 26, 2020
Publication Information
Publication: Climate Dynamics
Publisher: Springer
Volume: 54
Issue: 9-10
Issue Publication Date: May 1, 2020
ISSN: 0930-7575
e-ISSN: 1432-0894
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 304029.
OTHER: 2018YFA0606002
Distribution Limits
Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
External Peer Committee
Asian monsoon
ENSO events
Document Inquiry

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