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Turbulence, Transition, and Numerical Method TechnologiesThe close collaboration in the validation experimentation effort was excellent, the complementary research efforts related tofundamental numerical model development, and the activities related to effective HPC utilization on near term architectures that are coming down the pipeline were exactly what NASA should be doing. Even though the TQR panel cannot say that the success criteria were fully met, we do feel that the research funded by TTT/RCA was successful and useful in determining the next suite of CFD validation tests and the problematic flow conditions that continue to be difficult to predict using our current suite of computational tools. Given the TQR Panel’s review criteria: 1. The deliverables meet the technical requirements; 2.The appropriate technical approaches were followed in producing the deliverables; and 3. All technical caveats and concerns have been identified and the deliverables: a.Development of more accurate physics-based methods (e.g., higher moment closure); b. Large eddy simulation (LES); c. Advanced numerical methods; d. Transition prediction and modeling; e.Validation experiments; f. Multidisciplinary analysis and design (high fidelity). TQR panel feels that the technical processes were all completed and that the review criteria and all the deliverables were met. Thus, the Milestone TACP-2016-001 has been completed.
Document ID
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Document Type
Mujeeb R Malik
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Date Acquired
April 8, 2021
Subject Category
Aeronautics (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: TechPort Close Out Report
Location: NASA Headquarters
Country: US
Start Date: April 1, 2021
Sponsors: NASA ARMD
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 533127.01.10.10
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Peer Committee
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