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Autogenous Pressurization of a Cryogenic Tank Using Computational Fluid DynamicsWell-validated simulation tools can be used to predict long-term storage and transfer of cryogenic propellants, which are essential to NASA’s mission plan to return to the Moon and continue to Mars. Autogenous pressurization of propellant tanks is used to supply rocket engine turbopumps with pressurized liquid fuel and oxidizer, preventing cavitation. Additionally, autogenous pressurization can be used to pressurize propellant tanks to support on-orbit propellant transfer. In lieu of expensive tests conducted on-orbit, accurate predictive computational models of these processes can be used to reduce system and propellant mass as well as mission risk. Using simulation tools also reduces the cost of analyzing and developing this technology. This study presents a multiphase computational fluid dynamics model capable of simulating autogenous pressurization of a large cryogenic tank using the commercial code STAR-CCM+. Experimental data from a full-scale tank pressurization test under terrestrial gravity is compared to simulation results using transient error metrics. Comparisons show good agreement and give confidence in using these and other validated simulation tools to develop cryogenic pressurization systems.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Bruce E Ciccotosto
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
Daniel M Hauser
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
Date Acquired
July 7, 2021
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics
Meeting Information
Meeting: AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum
Location: Virtual
Country: US
Start Date: August 8, 2021
End Date: August 11, 2021
Sponsors: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 094216.04.22.05
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
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