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Recent Advancements in Modeling and Simulation of Entry Systems at NASAThis paper describes recent development of modeling and simulation technologies for entry systems in support of NASA’s exploration missions. Mission-tailored research and development in modeling of entry systems occurs across the Agency (e.g., within the Orion and Mars 2020 Programs), however the aim of this paper is to discuss the broad, cross-mission research conducted by NASA’s Entry Systems Modeling (ESM) Project, which serves as the Agency’s only concerted effort toward advancing entry systems across a range of technical disciplines. Technology development in ESM is organized and prioritized from a system-level perspective, resulting in four broad technical areas of investment: (1) Predictive material modeling, (2) Shock layer kinetics and radiation, (3) Computational and experimental aerosciences, and (4) Guidance, navigation, and control. Investments in thermal protection material modeling are geared toward high-fidelity, predictive models capable of handling complex structures, with an eye toward optimizing design performance and quantifying thermal protection system reliability. New computational tools have been developed to characterize material properties and behavior at the microstructural level, and experimental techniques (molecular beam scattering, micro-computed tomography, among others) have been developed to measure material kinetics, morphology, and other parameters needed to inform and validate detailed simulations. Advancements have also been made in macrostructural simulation capability to enable 3-D system-scale calculations of material response with complex topological features, including differential recession of tile gaps. Research and development in the area of shock layer kinetics has focused on air and CO2-based atmospheres. Capacity and capability of the NASA Ames Electric Arc Shock Tube (EAST) have been expanded in recent years and analysis of resulting data has led to several improvements in kinetic models, while simultaneously reducing uncertainties associated with radiative heat transfer predictions. First-principles calculations of fundamental kinetic, thermodynamic, and transport data, along with state-specificmodels for non-equilibrium flow regimes, have also yielded new insights and have the potential to vastly improve model fidelity. Aerosciences is a very broad area of interest in entry systems, yet a number of important challenges are being addressed: Coupled fluid-structure simulations of parachute inflation and dynamics; Experimental and computational studies of vehicle dynamics; Multi-phase flow with dust particles to simulate entry environments at Mars during dust storms; Studies of roughness-induced heating augmentation relevant to tiled and woven thermal protection systems; and Advanced numerical methods to optimize computational analyses for desired accuracy versus cost. Guidance and control in the context of entry systems has focused on development of methods for multi-axis control (i.e. pitch and yaw, rather than bank angle alone) of spacecraft during entry and descent. With precision landing requirements driven by Mars human exploration goals, recent efforts have yielded 6-DOF models of multi-axis control with propulsive descent of both inflatable and rigid ellipsled-like architectures. Results for both configurations have demonstrated the ability to land within the 50-meter precision requirement demanded by Mars human exploration missions, while also reducing propellant requirements by enabling more
efficient control through entry and descent. Ongoing research in GN&C is developing mechanical specifications for the systems and establishing engineering feasibility.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Other - This manuscript was prepared and presented at the 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference. It is however not available online through IEEE. This STI is to archive the paper for reference and download by the public.
Michael Barnhardt
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
Aaron Brandis
(Analytical Mechanics Associates (United States) Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Michael Wright
(Ames Research Center Mountain View, California, United States)
Monica Hughes
(Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Date Acquired
December 7, 2021
Publication Date
December 10, 2021
Subject Category
Engineering (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: IEEE Aerospace Conference
Location: Big Sky, MT
Country: US
Start Date: March 2, 2019
End Date: March 9, 2019
Sponsors: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 335803.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Peer Committee
entry systems
No Preview Available