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Linkages Between GRACE Water Storage, Hydrologic Extremes, and Climate Teleconnections in Major African AquifersWater resources management is a critical issue in Africa where many regions are subjected to sequential droughts and floods. The objective of our work was to assess spatiotemporal variability in water storage and related controls (climate, human intervention) in major African aquifers and consider approaches toward more sustainable development. Different approaches were used to track water storage, including GRACE/GRACE Follow On satellites for Total Water Storage (TWS); satellite altimetry for reservoir storage, MODIS satellites for vegetation indices, and limited ground-based monitoring. Results show that declining trends in TWS (60–73 km3 over the 18 yr GRACE record) were restricted to aquifers in northern Africa, controlled primarily by irrigation water use in the Nubian and NW Saharan aquifers. Rising TWS trends were found in aquifers in western Africa (23–49 km3), attributed to increased recharge from land use change and cropland expansion. Interannual variability dominated TWS variability in eastern and southern Africa, controlled primarily by climate extremes. Climate teleconnections, particularly El Nino Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole, strongly controlled droughts and floods in eastern and southern Africa. Huge aquifer storage in northern Africa suggests that the recent decadal storage declines should not impact the regional aquifers but may affect local conditions. Increasing groundwater levels in western Africa will need to be managed because of locally rising groundwater flooding. More climate resilient water management can be accomplished in eastern and southern Africa by storing water from wet to dry climate cycles. Accessing the natural water storage provided by aquifers in Africa is the obvious way to manage the variability between droughts and floods.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Bridget R Scanlon ORCID
(The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas, United States)
Ashraf Rateb ORCID
(The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas, United States)
Assaf Anyamba
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
Seifu Kebede
(University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban, South Africa)
Alan M MacDonald ORCID
(British Geological Survey Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Mohammad Shamsudduha ORCID
(University College London London, United Kingdom)
Jennifer Small
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
Alexander Sun ORCID
(The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas, United States)
Richard G Taylor ORCID
(University College London London, United Kingdom)
Hua Xie
(International Food Policy Research Institute Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States)
Date Acquired
January 25, 2022
Publication Date
January 7, 2022
Publication Information
Publication: Environmental Research Letters
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Volume: 17
Issue: 1
Issue Publication Date: January 7, 2022
e-ISSN: 1748-9326
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
External Peer Committee
Africa water storage
GRACE satellite
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