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X- to Ka- Band Cryogenic LNA Module for Very Long Baseline InterferometryWe report a new result of a packaged low noise amplifier (LNA) module with wide bandwidth of 5 to 35 GHz with low noise temperature performance of 10 - 18 K, while operated at 10 K ambient. The LNA used 3-stages of sub-50 nm gate length, 100% indium channel content indium phosphide (InP) high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). Wideband cryogenic LNAs are important for future radio astronomy observatories. To our knowledge these results represent the lowest noise achieved in a wideband amplifier from 5-35 GHz.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
External Source(s)
Fung, Andy
Samoska, Lorene
Bowen, James
Montanez, Steve
Kooi, Jacob
Soriano, Melissa
Jacobs, Christopher
Manthena, Raju
Hoppe, Daniel
Akgiray, Ahmed
Lai, Richard
Mei, Xiaobing
Barsky, Michael
Date Acquired
June 21, 2020
Publication Date
June 21, 2020
Publication Information
Publisher: Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2020
Distribution Limits
Technical Review

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