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Snow and Water Imaging Spectrometer: Final Instrument CharacterizationThe Snow and Water Imaging Spectrometer (SWIS) is a science-grade imaging spectrometer and telescope system suitable for CubeSat applications, spanning a 350-1700 nm spectral range with 5.7 nm sampling, a 10 degree field of view and 0.3 mrad spatial resolution. The system operates at F/1.8, providing high throughput for low-reflectivity water surfaces, while avoiding saturation over bright snow or clouds. The SWIS design utilizes heritage from previously demonstrated instruments on airborne platforms, while advancing the state of the art in compact sensors of this kind in terms of size and spectral coverage. Through frequent repeat observations from space at a moderate spatial resolution, SWIS can address key science questions concerning aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem changes, cryosphere warming and melt behavior, cloud and atmospheric science, and potential impacts of climate change and human activities on the environment. We review the optical design and innovations and key technologies developed for this instrument, as well as its measured optical performance. We discuss the radiometric calibration characterization, including detector linearity, flat field correction, and SNR. Finally, we discuss stray light modeling and the development of a focused ghost removal algorithm, which is tested and supported by laboratory results.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
External Source(s)
Bellardo, John
Bender, Holly A.
Small, Zachary
Mouroulis, Pantazis
Zandbergen, Sander R.
Date Acquired
August 24, 2020
Publication Date
August 24, 2020
Publication Information
Publisher: Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2020
Distribution Limits
Technical Review

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