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Regenerative Life Support Systems for Exploration Habitats: Unique Capabilities and Challenges to Enable Long-Duration-Mission Habitats Beyond Low Earth OrbitThe Artemis I launch of NASA’s Space Launch System and Orion crew vehicle will mark a major milestone in the agency’s efforts to return humans to the Moon. Work is underway on the Human Landing System that will carry the next astronauts to the lunar surface, and the lunar orbiting Gateway that will host science and serve as a platform to support sustained human presence on the Moon and ultimately crewed missions to Mars. Two decades of continuous human presence on the International Space Station has provided a wealth of experience operating, upgrading, and demonstrating advanced Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (Regen ECLSS). However, habitats that enable sustained lunar surface presence and transit to Mars will encounter many unique conditions and challenges. System characteristics including reliability, maintainability, mass, and power become significantly more critical. Operating environments associated with lower total pressure, low gravity, contingency protocols, and extensive un-crewed and dormant periods impose additional functionality requirements and alter the performance of certain critical systems. Integration and combined operations with other elements such as orbiting outposts, logistics suppliers, and mobility platforms impact capability and interface requirements. Limits on allocated water and oxygen consumable mass influence the need for higher levels of water and oxygen recovery from waste products. Impacts and challenges these unique exploration circumstances impose on the suite of Regen ECLSS systems are explored and discussed herein.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
David F Howard
(Marshall Space Flight Center Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, United States)
Christine M Stanley
(Marshall Space Flight Center Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, United States)
R Gregory Schunk
(Marshall Space Flight Center Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, United States)
Paul Kessler
(Marshall Space Flight Center Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, United States)
Tiffany Nickens
(Marshall Space Flight Center Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, United States)
Date Acquired
May 2, 2022
Publication Date
July 10, 2022
Publication Information
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: 51st International Conference on Environmental Systems
Location: St Paul, Minnesota
Country: US
Start Date: July 10, 2022
End Date: July 14, 2022
Sponsors: International Conference on Environmental Systems
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 009562.50.10.62
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
External Peer Committee
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