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Microgreens Root Zone/Shoot Zone Partitioned Planting BoxTo enable sustainable food production in future human exploration missions, plant growth is being studied by the Space Crop Production Team at KSC. Microgreens are good candidates for food supplements and contain specific nutrients that are lacking in the prepackaged diet, including vitamin C and vitamin K. Because they are densely sown, typical growth methods do not allow the ability to distinguish between the levels of evaporation from the rooting substrate and transpiration from the leaves. With larger plants, the root and shoot zone can be separated to distinguish these fluxes and accurate transpiration measurements of plant canopies are feasible. Furthermore, separation of the root and shoot zone may also be beneficial when harvesting microgreens in microgravity as it may reduce microbial contamination of the edible biomass by the roots, which have high microbial loads. Using a root and shoot separator box when harvesting may help with microbial contamination, but these tiny plants are challenging to handle in microgravity, so harvest management remains an open question.

The innovation proposed here is a microgreen root/shoot partitioned planting box, which offers a solution to these challenges with accurate gas exchange measurements and a safe microgreen harvest in low gravity environments. Being able to measure transpiration of a microgreen canopy will be important for modeling plant growth in reduced gravity environments, so the first objective was to develop a planting unit with a seal between the root zone and the shoot zone. With an unsuitable harvesting technique, freshly harvested microgreens may add debris to the cabin, so the second objective was to test different harvesting techniques and management approaches associated with this innovation. These two objectives were pursued in parallel since many goals were the same: develop a planting unit that 1) separates the shoots from the roots, 2) allows acceptable germination rate, and 3) allows for seedlings to emerge and develop. What differed was the need to have a seal, which was only applicable for our gas exchange goal, and the need to have an embedded harvesting mechanism and bagging method which only applied to our harvesting goal.

Testing of the various harvesting mechanisms and bagging methods was performed during a series of parabolic flights. All parabolic flight procedures took place inside a rented secondary containment chamber (e.g., glovebox) that was developed by the University of Louisville specifically for experiments involving fluids and other materials that may become airborne during reduced gravity flight. Three different harvesting methods and two different bagging collection methods were tested for microgreens. A third bagging method was initially tested but found to be unsuitable. Human factors were also taken into consideration, to identify which harvest and bagging collection methods would be easiest to use with favorable results in microgravity. Three parabolic flight tests were performed in total, one in November 2021 and two in December 2021.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Other - FY21 IRTD Final Report Summary
Gioia Massa
(Kennedy Space Center Merritt Island, Florida, United States)
Lucie Poulet
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
Christina Johnson
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, Maryland, United States)
Raymond Wheeler
(Kennedy Space Center Merritt Island, Florida, United States)
Matthew Romeyn
(Kennedy Space Center Merritt Island, Florida, United States)
LaShelle Spencer
(Aecom (United States) Los Angeles, California, United States)
Jacob Torres
(Aecom (United States) Los Angeles, California, United States)
Lawrence Koss
(Aecom (United States) Los Angeles, California, United States)
George Pantalos
(University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky, United States)
Christopher Bermudez
(Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Miami, Florida, United States)
Haley Boles
(University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, United States)
Michael Gildersleeve
(Cornell University Ithaca, New York, United States)
Date Acquired
December 8, 2022
Publication Date
December 22, 2022
Subject Category
Life Sciences (General)
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 432938
Distribution Limits
Use by or on behalf of the US Gov. Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
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