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Aerothermodynamic Measurements in Hypersonic Non-Equilibrium FlowsHigh enthalpy arc-jets are unique facilities particularly suited for simulating complex flows in the aerospace field, such as the aerothermodynamics of a re-entry vehicle. Arc-jets are often used to evaluate important design factors such as heat shield materials and vehicle design. Characterization of these facilities is important, as studies often match specific in-flight environments during experiments. Due to the complex environment produced by an arc-jet, with effects such as thermodynamic and chemical non-equilibrium occurring in the flow, characterization experiments are significantly more difficult than in traditional blow-down wind tunnels. The current work aims to characterize an arc-jet facility in terms of flow temperature, velocity and unsteadiness, in a spatially-resolved analysis. To achieve this goal, a non-intrusive imaging technique called “planar laser-induced fluorescence” was performed in the NASA Langley Hypersonic Materials Environ-mental Test System arc-jet facility. The experimental data was analyzed to produce the quantitative measurements in multiple regions of the flow around a blunt body sample. A quasi-1D low fidelity solver was created to numerically simulate the flow to investigate non-equilibrium effects occur-ring outside the imaging region in the arc-jet nozzle. Unsteadiness in the test section was minimized by analyzing a subset of data assessing the gas injection location. Radial velocity, rotational temperature and translational temperature measurements are provided that can be used to validate future high-fidelity computational studies. The temperature measurements revealed rotational non-equilibrium potentially occurring in the flow. This work provides a methodology for characterizing arc-jet facilities, identifying and correcting sources of systematic error, and estimating the uncertainty associated with the quantitative measurements.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Connor McDougall
(University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Date Acquired
February 24, 2023
Subject Category
Instrumentation And Photography
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: University of Calgary, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Location: Calgary
Country: CA
Start Date: October 31, 2022
Sponsors: University of Calgary
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Use by or on behalf of the US Gov. Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
laser induced fluorescence
nitric oxide
arc jet
high temperature materials
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