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3D-CHESS: Decentralized, Distributed, Dynamic, and Context-aware Heterogeneous Sensor SystemsThis paper describes the objectives and current status of the 3D-CHESS project which aims to demonstrate a new Earth observing strategy based on a context-aware Earth observing sensor web. This sensor web consists of a set of nodes with a knowledge base, heterogeneous sensors, edge computing, and autonomous decision-making capabilities. Context awareness is defined as the ability for the nodes to gather, exchange, and leverage contextual information (e.g., state of the Earth system, state and capabilities of itself and of other nodes in the network, and how those states relate to the dy- namic mission objectives) to improve decision making and planning. The current goal of the project is to demonstrate proof of concept by comparing the performance of a 3D- CHESS sensor web with that of status quo architectures in the context of a multi-sensor inland hydrologic and ecologic monitoring system.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
External Source(s)
David, Cedric H.
Ravindra, Vinay
Nag, Sreeja
Mehta, Ankur
Sun, Yizhou
Viros Martin, Antoni
Jaramillo, Alan Aguilar
Gorr, Ben
Gao, Huilin
Allen, George
Selva, Daniel
Date Acquired
March 21, 2022
Publication Date
March 21, 2022
Publication Information
Publisher: Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2022
Distribution Limits
Technical Review

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