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New Rover Conops with High-Performance Onboard Computing: Give Up Raw Data to Reduce Ops Cost and Do More ScienceA major portion of time during the tactical operation of Mars rovers is spent for selecting, prioritizing, and coordinating sciences and engineering activities such that they fit within resource constraints, including the downlink data volume, energy, and time. In particular, the downlink data volume constraint is getting particularly tighter in recent missions because modern instruments produce increasingly high data volume while the communication bandwidth is essentially bounded by the law of physics. Tactical operation would be substantially simplified, hence the operation cost could be reduced, if the data volume constraint is relaxed or even removed. In this abstract, we propose a new operation paradigm for achieving this goal. The key observation is that, both in science and engineering applications, the bit size of raw data is typically much greater than the volume of processed information that is needed for scientific or engineering analysis. For example, a full-resolution image from Mastcam-Z, the main science camera on Perseverance, is about 700 kB in volume and we downlinked 29,685 images up to Sol 243, totaling ~20 GB of data. But of course, scientists do not use every pixel of these images; what they really look for in the images are geological features, typically represented by specific geometric configurations or textures. An end product after processing hundreds of Mascam-Z images could be a single geological map summarizing the spatial distribution of the features. For another example, a 100-meter drive of Perseverance produces 7-12 MB of drive telemetry, which records every detail of the rover's motion at 8 Hz, including position, attitude, steering angles, encoder readings, motor currents and many other information. But what the ground engineers eventually pay attention to is the signs of anomaly, such as excessive motor currents or high slip; if a drive is nominal, the vast majority of this data is unused. What if, then, we process the raw data onboard and only downlink the processed data that is relevant to scientific or engineering analyses, such as a list of detected science features (with cropped images) or a list of potential signs of anomaly while driving? A major roadblock for such onboard, high-level information processing has been the onboard computational resource. RAD750, the main onboard computer of Perseverance, is obviously not sufficient for performing complex image or signal processing such as object detection, semantic segmentation, or anomaly detection. Interestingly, RAD750 is not the best processor that Perseverance has; Qualcomm's Snapdragon 801, a modern mobile processor, is on her Heli Base Station, a device for communicating with Mars Helicopter Ingenuity; also, Intel's Atom E3845 processors are on engineering cameras. In the reminder of this paper, we will introduce two particular uses cases of these high-performance co-processors (meaning auxiliary CPU, GPU, or other types of processors that are separate from the main processor that runs the main flight software) for lowering operation cost and accommodating more science activities for a given communication constraint.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
External Source(s)
Didier, A.
Swan, M.
Atha, D.
Verma, V.
Balaram, J.
Ono, M.
Date Acquired
January 11, 2022
Publication Date
January 11, 2022
Publication Information
Publisher: Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2022
Distribution Limits
Technical Review

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