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Components Refurbishment and Chemical Analysis Facility, Hot Spot 1 SWMU #041 Year 3 Annual Performance Monitoring Report Kennedy Space Center, FloridaThis Year 3 Annual Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) presents the operations, maintenance, and monitoring activities for the Hydraulic Containment System (HCS) Interim Measure (IM) at the Components Refurbishment and Chemical Analysis (CRCA) facility located at John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. The primary objective of the HCS is to attain hydraulic control of the dissolved-phase chlorinated volatile organic compound (CVOC) plume, with the secondary objective to reduce concentrations of CVOCs in the high-concentration plume to support transition to monitored natural attenuation (MNA). CRCA has been designated Solid Waste Management Unit 041 under the KSC Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Corrective Action Program.

The timeframe for activities documented in this Year 3 PMR extends from September 2021 through October 2022. Baseline sampling activities were completed in June 2019, and full-scale startup of the HCS IM was completed in July-August 2019. The operational runtime of the HCS for the Year 3 reporting period was approximately 91%, with the majority of downtime attributed to system maintenance and repair. This is generally consistent with Year 1 and Year 2 runtimes of 85% and 92%, respectively. To help reduce downtime, an anti-scaling amendment, Redux 390, has been used to reduce scaling and help maintain system design parameters. Over nine million gallons of groundwater were treated during Year 3 of HCS operations, and concentrations of the site’s contaminants of concern (trans-1,2-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride) have been reduced by over 97%.

This PMR describes the activities that were performed during Year 3 to operate and monitor the HCS IM, which includes three extraction wells, seven injection wells, and conveyance piping to a modular structure containing the control panel and an air stripper. Influent and effluent sampling results from the air stripper show that the system is operating as designed and is reducing concentrations of contaminants of concern to below detection limits. In addition to HCS operation, this PMR also discusses performance monitoring that has been implemented to assess progress of the HCS IM and overall plume conditions through scheduled groundwater (quarterly and semi-annual) and sub-slab soil gas (quarterly) sampling and analysis. Two ambient air samples were also collected on a quarterly basis in the vicinity of the modular structure and the paved driveway east of the Solvent Reclamation Area during routine operation and maintenance (O&M) activities to ensure safe breathing zone air quality for on-site personnel. All sub-slab soil gas and ambient air sampling conducted during the Year 3 operational period showed results below applicable regulatory air screening limits.

Predictions made during the Year 2 groundwater model updates were in close correlation to post Year 3 plume conditions. Therefore, it can be assumed that the projected path remains valid for transition to MNA in one to two years of continuous HCS operation.

The contents of this Year 3 PMR were presented during the February 2023 KSC Remediation Team meeting, where Team consensus was reached on several items including continued O&M of the HCS, and continued monitoring of groundwater, ambient air, and sub-slab soil gas. Replacement of MW0019 and VMP04 was also recommended, as well as additional direct-push technology sampling to further delineate the downgradient plume and confirm overall site-wide low-concentration plume boundaries. Sampling for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances at CRCA is ongoing and will be submitted under separate cover.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Contractor or Grantee Report
K. Alex Murphy
(Tetra Tech (United States) Pasadena, California, United States)
Date Acquired
May 23, 2023
Publication Date
May 1, 2023
Subject Category
Ground Support Systems and Facilities (Space)
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: 80KSC019D0011-80KSC019F0066.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Professional Review
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