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Thermoradiative Conversion for Space Power SystemsThe thermoradiative cell is a new method for converting heat energy to electrical power, first detailed by Strandberg in 2015. The cell is structurally similar to a photovoltaic cell, in that it is a p-n junction semiconductor device, but thermodynamically operates in the reverse direction, converting the thermal dark current into electrical power by utilizing the recombination radiation from thermally-generated electron hole pairs to radiate waste heat to space. This technology may have application for space missions in converting thermal energy produced by a radioisotope source or from a nuclear reactor into power. The power and efficiency can be calculated as a function of bandgap in the detailed-balance case (the Shockley-Queisser limit), in which all of the thermal emissivity of the cell is due to the recombination of thermally generated electron-hole pairs, and all other recombination losses are ignored. The current produced is directly proportional to the recombination radiation, and thus the more thermally generated pairs, the higher the current. The voltage is proportional to the external bias. These two constraints allow optimization of the optimum bias point for maximum power, and allow calculation of the efficiency at maximum power point. Unlike photovoltaic cells, the maximum power operating point is not the same as the maximum efficiency point, and higher efficiency can be achieved at a higher (negative) bias in the ideal case. Incorporating non-ideal losses, however, shifts the maximum efficiency point toward lower bias. Since a thermoradiative cell operates by radiating directly to space, the current produced by a themoradiative cells will increase with the Stefan-Boltzman radiative efficiency; roughly the fourth power of the temperature. Thus, in contrast to a photovoltaic converter, the power produced is highest at high operating temperatures. Likewise, in contrast to conventional thermal conversion, high radiator temperature increases, rather than decreases the efficiency. Thus, the thermoradiative conversion may fill a mission niche in which small radiator size is required. The basic operation will be summarized, applications to space power discussed, and the requirements for further research outlined.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Geoffrey A. Landis
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
Date Acquired
July 31, 2023
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
Meeting Information
Meeting: Energy & Mobility Technology, Systems and Value Chain Conference & Expo
Location: Cleveland, OH
Country: US
Start Date: September 12, 2023
End Date: September 15, 2023
Sponsors: Society of Automotive Engineers International, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 295670.
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
Photovoltaic Cell
Thermoradiative Cell
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