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NASA Orbital Debris Engineering Model ORDEM 3.2 – Software User GuideThis National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Orbital Debris Engineering Model (ORDEM) 3.2 Software User Guide accompanies delivery of the latest upgraded version of the model, ORDEM 3.2. The user guide also provides a top-level program description and a list of capabilities. It includes descriptions of runtime error and information codes, input/output file formats, runtimes for different orbit configurations, and how to use uncertainty files.

ORDEM 3.2 supersedes the previous NASA Orbital Debris Program Office (ODPO) models – ORDEM 3.0 (Stansbery, et al. 2014) and ORDEM2000 (Liou, et al. 2002). The availability of new sensor and in situ data, re-analysis of older data, and development of new analytical techniques has enabled the construction of this more comprehensive and sophisticated model. An upgraded graphical user interface (GUI) is integrated with the software. This upgraded GUI uses project-oriented organization and provides the user with graphical representations of numerous output data products. For example, these range from the conventional flux vs. average debris size (or altitude bin) for chosen analysis orbits (or views) to the more complex color-contoured, two-dimensional (2-D) directional flux diagrams in local spacecraft elevation and azimuth.

The current model, ORDEM 3.2, supports spacecraft as well as telescope/radar project assessments. ORDEM 3.2 contains updated debris populations covering low Earth orbit (LEO, up to 2000 km altitude) to geosynchronous orbit (GEO, up to 40,000 km altitude) and can assess debris calculations up to year 2050, extending coverage past the previous limit of 2035 in ORDEM 3.0. Although populations differ from its predecessor, ORDEM 3.2 is functionally the same as ORDEM 3.0 and can support ORDEM 3.0 projects through backward compatibility.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Technical Publication (TP)
Andrew Vavrin
(Jacobs (United States) Dallas, Texas, United States)
Alyssa Manis
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
John Seago
(Jacobs (United States) Dallas, Texas, United States)
Drake Gates
(Jacobs (United States) Dallas, Texas, United States)
Phillip Anz-Meador
(Jacobs (United States) Dallas, Texas, United States)
Mark Matney
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
J -C Liou
(Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas, United States)
Date Acquired
October 17, 2023
Publication Date
October 31, 2023
Publication Information
Subject Category
Computer Programming and Software
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 817091.40.81.72
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
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