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Plants in Space and Space Crop ProductionAs astronauts venture farther from Earth, and for longer periods, the space food system will increase in importance. Crop production can supplement a packaged diet to provide additional nutrients and dietary variety for astronauts, and in future missions, bioregenerative approaches may be used to generate a larger percentage of the diet. Plants may also provide behavioural health benefits and assist with other life support functions. Several unique challenges exist for growth of plants in microgravity and on other planetary surfaces like the moon and Mars. Testing with the Veggie and Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) chambers on the International Space Station is allowing us to understand the impacts of gravity and spaceflight on crop growth, nutritional content, acceptability, and the importance of plants to astronauts living and working away from Earth. We are also gaining a better understanding of food safety concerns and the behaviour of space plant microbiomes and plant pathogens. As we transition from research towards operational space crop production to enable human exploration, there are several gaps and challenges of growing crops in space that must be addressed. Research and technology development in key areas such as water and nutrient delivery, plant health monitoring, and crop selection are needed to overcome these challenges. Additionally, there are opportunities for breeding or engineering of custom space crops related to plant growth and development, plant physiology, produce nutrition, organoleptic acceptability, and post-harvest characteristics. Solutions to help ensure food security off-Earth may also translate to better approaches to terrestrial sustainable crop production.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Gioia Massa ORCID
(Kennedy Space Center Merritt Island, Florida, United States)
Date Acquired
November 3, 2023
Publication Date
November 28, 2023
Subject Category
Life Sciences (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS) Conference
Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Country: AU
Start Date: November 28, 2023
End Date: December 1, 2023
Sponsors: Australian Society of Plant Scientists
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 719125.
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
NASA Technical Management
Advanced Plant Habitat
Controlled Environment Agriculture
International Space Station
Space Crop Production
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