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Simulations of 7Be and 10Be with the GEOS-Chem global model v14.0.2 using state-of-the-art production ratesThe cosmogenic radionuclides 7Be and 10Be are useful aerosol tracers for atmospheric transport studies. Combining 7Be and 10Be measurements with an atmospheric transport model can not only improve our understanding of the radionuclide transport and deposition processes but also provide an evaluation of the transport process in the model. To simulate these aerosol tracers, it is critical to evaluate the influence of radionuclides production uncertainties on simulations. Here we use the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model driven by the MERRA-2 reanalysis to simulate 7Be and 10Be with different production scenarios: the default production rate in GEOS-Chem based on an empirical approach (Lal and Peters, 1967; denoted as LP67), and two production rates from the CRAC:Be (Cosmic Ray Atmospheric Cascade: Beryllium; Poluianov et al., 2016) model considering only geomagnetic cut-off rigidities for a geocentric axial dipole (denoted as P16) or realistic spatial geomagnetic cut-off rigidity variations due to non-dipole moments of the geomagnetic field (denoted as P16spa). The model results are comprehensively evaluated with a large number of measurements including surface air concentrations and deposition fluxes. The model with the P16spa production can reproduce the absolute values and temporal variability of 7Be and 10Be surface concentrations and deposition fluxes on annual and sub-annual scales, as well as the vertical profiles of air concentrations. Simulations with the LP67 production tend to overestimate the absolute values of 7Be and 10Be concentrations. The P16 simulations suggest less than 10% differences compared to P16spa but tend to produce a significant positive bias (>20%) in the 7Be deposition fluxes over East Asia. We find that the deposition fluxes are more sensitive to the production in the troposphere and downward transport from the stratosphere. Independent of the production models, surface air concentrations and deposition fluxes from all simulations show similar seasonal variations, suggesting a dominant meteorological influence. The model can also simulate reasonably the stratosphere-troposphere exchange process of 7Be and 10Be by producing stratospheric contribution and 10Be/7Be ratio values that agree with measurements. Finally, we illustrate the importance of including the time-varying solar modulation in the production calculation, which can significantly improve the agreement between model results and measurements, especially at mid- and high- latitudes. Reduced uncertainties in the production rates, as demonstrated in this study, improve the utility of 7Be and 10Be as aerosol tracers for evaluating and testing transport and scavenging processes in global models.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Accepted Manuscript (Version with final changes)
Minjie Zheng
(ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland)
Hongyu Liu
(National Institute of Aerospace Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Florian Adolphi
(Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Germany)
Raimund Muscheler
(Lund University Lund, Sweden)
Zhengyao Lu
(Lund University Lund, Sweden)
Mousong Wu
(Nanjing University, Nanjing, China)
Nonne L. Prisle
(University of Oulu Oulu, Finland)
Date Acquired
December 6, 2023
Publication Date
December 4, 2023
Publication Information
Publication: Geoscientific Model Development
Publisher: European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Issue: 16
Subject Category
Meteorology and Climatology
Funding Number(s)
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