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Key Perseverance Sampling Locations for the Ancient Martian Crust and Implications for Mars ScienceSince Feb 2021, the Perseverance rover has collected samples in the Jezero crater. The plan baselined at the 2018 landing site selection, subsequently further developed by the Mars-2020 team, and presented to the Decadal Survey included the exploration and sampling of the Jezero crater rim and the Nili Planum area, a rock record that is important to preserving the science return of the endeavor.

Specifically, the science team identified the following prioritized science objectives aligned with community objectives that are not covered by the current sample cache: 1) Investigate the habitable environments with potential biosignatures from a more ancient time interval and from a diverse set of geological environments (incl. exposed subsurface) than the Jezero crater sedimentary deposits (Fig. 2). (2) Determine radioisotopic ages for well-defined craterretaining surfaces and/or the Isidis basin impact event. (3) Characterize ancient aqueous environments to study climate, environmental transitions, and habitability on ancient Mars. (4) Investigate planetary accretion, crustal evolution, and dynamo activity through analysis and sampling of igneous lithologies. (5) Study the geology of basin-forming impacts. In addition, for the Jezero rim and any Jezero ejecta: (6) Analyze Jezero impactites for potentially habitable hydrothermal environments and radioisotopic dating of the Jezero crater formation.

From 2018 to now, we used a combination of High Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRISE) and Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) data to further characterize Jezero rim and Nili Planum, culminating in our prioritized sample location recommendations: (1) Monument Valley and (2) Northwest Jezero rim.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
E. L. Scheller ORCID
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, United States)
J. I. Simon
(Johnson Space Center Houston, United States)
B. P. Weiss
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, United States)
C. Quantin-Nataf
(Université de Lyon Lyon, France)
B. L. Ehlmann ORCID
(California Institute of Technology Pasadena, United States)
L. Mayhew ORCID
(University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, United States)
T. Bosak ORCID
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, United States)
J. F. Bell, III
(Arizona State University Tempe, United States)
A. Brown ORCID
(Plancius Research Severna Park, Maryland, United States)
(University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada)
(University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada, United States)
R. C. Wiens ORCID
(Purdue University West Lafayette West Lafayette, United States)
Date Acquired
January 10, 2024
Publication Date
March 11, 2024
Publication Information
Publisher: Lunar and Planetary Institute
Subject Category
Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
Meeting Information
Meeting: 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC)
Location: The Woodlands, TX
Country: US
Start Date: March 11, 2024
End Date: March 15, 2024
Sponsors: Lunar and Planetary Institute, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: Mars Exploration Program
WBS: 203959
Distribution Limits
Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
NASA Peer Committee
Mars sample return
Mars 2020
Nilli Planum
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