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Dynamic Orbital Slingshot for Rendezvous with Interstellar ObjectsThe solar sail “statite” concept presents a potential means to study interstellar objects (ISOs). A new class of asteroids and comets, ISOs offer a unique scientific opportunity to answer fundamental scientific questions about the origin of solar system volatiles, the compositions of exo-solar systems, and the transfer rates of material between solar systems. Unfortunately, they are also challenging to study due to their high excess energies and the short lead time offered by present detection infrastructure. By using its solar sail to “hover” in place, a statite is able to await the discovery of an ISO and, when called upon, convert the enormous potential energy of its stationary state into the velocity necessary to rendezvous with the targeted comet or asteroid. The investigation completed in Phase I focused on establishing the viability of the proposed mission concept. To do so, optimal trajectories to the two known ISOs were demonstrated and the relationship between statite placement and the resulting trajectory was explored. Post-launch trajectories from the Earth to strategic statite states were also shown to be feasible. Concurrently with these efforts, a thorough review of published ISO population estimates was conducted and preliminary steps towards creating a database of synthetic ISO ephemerides were completed. If renewed for a Phase II, this will be used to characterize the capabilities of the statite concept.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Contractor or Grantee Report
Richard Linares
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, United States)
Date Acquired
January 11, 2024
Publication Date
January 25, 2024
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
Funding Number(s)
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Portions of document may include copyright protected material.
Technical Review
NASA Peer Committee
NIAC Phase I
Solar Electric Propulsion
Solar Power Sail
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