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NASA Surface Radiation Budget Project: A Look Back and A Look ForwardThe NASA Langley Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) project, historically associated with GEWEX, has provided estimates of surface and TOA shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes using International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) cloud properties and radiances as primary input. The first release was in 1995 (Whitlock et al., 1995) at daily 2.5° resolution. Subsequent releases have improved physics, temporal and spatial resolution, as well as increasing the total length of the time series. Release 4 in 2019 (Kummerow et al., 2019) is on a 1° nested grid, with temporal resolutions from 3-hourly to daily and monthly. It originally spanned from July 1983 to December 2017 and has since been extended through 2019. Release 4 uses the ISCCP H series of data, a complete reprocessing which retains more pixels than the previous D series, used in prior SRB versions. SRB data has been used extensively by a wide range of customers, including but not limited to the solar energy community, climate modelers, architects, oceanographers, and the agricultural community. It is an especial feature of SRB that global radiation budget data are available from the 1983 through 2000 period, which is prior to CERES providing alternate data, and then 2000 through near present to provide overlap coverage. Here we use the 36.5 year record of SRB Release 4 to examine the changes in shortwave and longwave fluxes over the period, including the changes in different regions of the globe. We examine energy budget features such as hemispheric symmetry and implied meridional transport of energy. We look at the variability of these features prior to and during the CERES period and compare to later products.

We also look at Release 5, currently under development. This version will provide 0.5° resolution. In addition to surface and TOA radiative fluxes it will include fluxes at several atmospheric layers, and some spectral features beyond the broadband shortwave and longwave fluxes in Release 4 and prior. The shortwave algorithm is undergoing a complete change from the Pinker-Laszlo algorithm. Shortwave fluxes will now be calculated from a forward call to the Fu-Liou radiative transfer model as modified by the CERES team (Rose et al., 2006). Input datasets are being improved, including surface properties, atmospheric profiles of temperature and humidity, aerosols, and total solar irradiance. Preliminary results from Release 5 and comparisons to Release 4 will be shown.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Stephen J. Cox
(Analytical Mechanics Associates (United States) Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Colleen Mikovitz
(Analytical Mechanics Associates (United States) Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Taiping Zhang
(Analytical Mechanics Associates (United States) Hampton, Virginia, United States)
Date Acquired
June 28, 2024
Subject Category
Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
Meeting Information
Meeting: 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference
Location: Sapporo
Country: JP
Start Date: July 7, 2024
End Date: July 12, 2024
Sponsors: GEWEX
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 430728.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Earth Radiation Budget
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