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Wilson Corners, Solid Waste Management Unit 001(SWMU 01) 2023 Annual Long-Term Monitoring ReportThis report presents a summary of the long-term monitoring (LTM) activities that occurred in 2023 at Wilson Corners, Solid Waste Management Unit 001, at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida. Annual LTM of groundwater is being conducted at the site. Based on results from groundwater sampling activities performed during the 2019 through 2020 LTM reporting period and the 2020 and 2021 DPT groundwater sampling, it was determined that the LTM sampling plan was no longer meeting the goal of LTM because delineation was not verified and the installation of an air sparge (AS) system to treat the area of the High Concentration Plume was recommended. The AS System was installed in late 2022 and early 2023. System start-up activities were initiated in April 2023.

Following system startup, several site wells required retrofitting to equip wellheads for withstanding the air pressure released from air sparge wells during system operation. Some site wells also required repair or abandonment, and replacement. Survey of location and top-of-casing of newly installed monitoring wells was combined with scheduled AS system survey activities and was completed in January 2024. The activities presented in this report include the February and April 2023 LTM monitoring well installations; March and April 2023 LTM and performance monitoring well water level gauging and sampling; November 2023 LTM well retrofits and repairs; a summary of December 2023 LTM well abandonments and installations (complete site well abandonment activities will be presented under a separate cover); and January 2024 LTM well survey. During the March and April 2023 sampling events, the low-flow sampling method was used, and samples were analyzed for a select list of volatile organic compounds.

In March 2023, groundwater flow for the site was generally to the west was generally consistent with historical observations at the site. The Low Concentration Plume (LCP) continues to extend both horizontally and vertically beyond the terminal depth of the current monitoring well network. Data, inclusive of the 2023 LTM and baseline performance monitoring sampling events, indicate that the LCP encompasses an estimated 19.5 acres, compared to the 2021 LCP footprint, inclusive of the 2020 and 2021 DPT sampling events of 20.7 acres. The vertical extent of VOCs was historically delineated by monitoring wells screened greater than 48 feet below land surface (bls). The results from the three vertical extent monitoring wells screened below 48 feet bls that were sampled during the 2023 LTM indicate that groundwater vinyl chloride concentrations in these three wells are greater than the GCTL. As presented in the 2021 Long-Term Monitoring Report (NASA 2022), the KSCRT agreed to delay deeper investigations in this area to prevent the creation of additional pathways for vertical migration.

Based on groundwater sampling activities performed in 2023, recommendations are to perform the next annual LTM sampling event, scheduled for April 2024 and to conduct quarterly performance monitoring of the AS System. The current selection of monitoring wells in the recommended 2024 LTM plan will provide an adequate data set for monitoring groundwater plume behavior; however, the LTM monitoring well network will be evaluated and refined based on 2024 LTM and year one performance monitoring data.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Contractor or Grantee Report
King Linnea
(AECOM Technical Services, Inc.)
Date Acquired
July 3, 2024
Publication Date
July 31, 2024
Subject Category
Environment Pollution
Funding Number(s)
TASK: 80KSC020F0028
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Professional Review
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