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Results from the Radio Frequency Mass Gauge Technology Demonstration on the Intuitive Machines Nova-C Lunar LanderA cryogenic propellant mass gauge known as the Radio Frequency Mass Gauge (RFMG) was integrated into the Intuitive Machines (IM) Nova-C lunar lander and provided an estimate of the liquid oxygen and liquid methane mass in the lander propellant tanks throughout the IM-1 mission, including during microgravity coast phases. An RFMG electronics controller was used to measure and record the spectrum of the RF signal reflected from an antenna sensor in each tank over the frequency range 100 to 1,300 MHz. The RF spectrum of each of the tanks is unique and is sensitive to the index of refraction of the propellants and the spatial distribution of the liquid within the tanks. Electromagnetic simulation software was used to simulate the antenna response spectra for a given tank geometry, fluid properties, and liquid–vapor configurations within the tank. Over 10,000 antenna response simulations were completed for each propellant tank prior to the IM-1 mission and represented various volumetric fill levels and fluid configurations. The simulated spectra served as a database against which measured tank spectra were compared. For analysis, a spectral matching algorithm was used to find the best match between measured and simulated spectra, and the gauged mass was calculated from the most highly correlated fluid mass simulations. RFMG measurements were recorded during tank loading on the launch pad and during translunar coast, lunar orbit insertion, low lunar orbit, powered descent to the lunar surface, and postlanding on the Moon. This paper describes the RF and fluid simulations, the RFMG measurements and analysis of spectral data, the RFMG instrument, and the gauged results throughout all phases of the IM-1 mission.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Gregory A. Zimmerli
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, United States)
David G. Fischer
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, United States)
Marius Asipauskas
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, United States)
Carol L. Kory
(Universities Space Research Association Columbia, United States)
Scott L. Metzger
(HX5, LLC)
Andrew M. O'Connor
(HX5, LLC)
Adam Rice
(HX5, LLC)
Date Acquired
November 12, 2024
Subject Category
Propellants and Fuels
Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: AIAA SciTech Forum
Location: Orlando, FL
Country: US
Start Date: January 6, 2025
End Date: January 10, 2025
Sponsors: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 633369.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Technical Review
Single Expert
lunar lander
cryogenic propellant
propellant gauge
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