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High Resolution Photoexcitation Measurements Exacerbate the Long-Standing Fe XVII Oscillator Strength Problem
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Steffen Kühn
Chintan Shah
José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Keisuke Fujii
René Steinbrügge
Jakob Stierhof
Moto Togawa
Zoltán Harman
Natalia S. Oreshkina
Charles Cheung
Mikhail G. Kozlov
Sergey G. Porsev
Marianna S. Safronova
Julian C. Berengut
Michael Rosner
Matthias Bissinger
Ralf Ballhausen
Natalie Hell
SungNam Park
Moses Chung
Moritz Hoesch
Jörn Seltmann
Andrey S. Surzhykov
Vladimir A. Yerokhin
Jörn Wilms
F. Scott Porter
Thomas Stöhlker
Christoph H. Keitel
Thomas Pfeifer
Gregory V. Brown
Maurice A. Leutenegger
Sven Bernitt
Date Acquired
September 12, 2024
Publication Date
January 6, 2020
Publication Information
Publication: Physical Review Letters
Publisher: American Physical Society (APS)
Volume: 124
Issue: 22
ISSN: 0031-9007
e-ISSN: 1079-7114
Funding Number(s)
funding: 05K13SJ2
funding: 266229290
funding: DE-AC52-07NA27344
funding: 19-12-00157
funding: NRF-2016R1A5A1013277
funding: PHY-1620687
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