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First Evidence of Enhanced Recombination in Astrophysical Environments and the Implications for Plasma Diagnostics
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Version of Record
A. Nemer
N. C. Sterling
J. Raymond
A. K. Dupree
J. García-Rojas
Qianxia Wang
M. S. Pindzola
C. P. Ballance
S. D. Loch
Date Acquired
September 28, 2024
Publication Date
May 12, 2019
Publication Information
Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Publisher: American Astronomical Society
Volume: 887
Issue: 1
Issue Publication Date: October 12, 2019
ISSN: 2041-8205
e-ISSN: 2041-8213
Funding Number(s)
funding: NNZ16AE97G
funding: SEV-2015-0548
funding: AYA2017-83383-P
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